Recruit interns from Norway's leading business school

Recruit interns from Norway's leading business school

The Norwegian School of Economics invites you to become our partner in the Innovation School programme in Germany during the summer.

Join the Innovation School and recruit our English-speaking Master-level students as interns for eight weeks.

As our partner you will gAIN access to

  • Highly motivated, open and committed students from Norway’s leading business school
  • Interns who are able to work well- structured and independently, and are keen to contribute to your company’s successl
  • Networking opportunities with other innovative companies and institutions
  • An external point of view from students with an innovative mindset

About the innovation school

The Innovation School focuses on innovation in a broad business context and combines research-based knowledge with practical experience in companies in Germany. It consists of an eight-week long internship, two weeks of teaching at our partner institutions and two weeks of teaching at NHH.

Our ambition is to create a network of partners from a diverse set of industries. Your needs are our priorities, and we aim to cater your individual needs.

The Set up

We preselect the students for the Innovation School in a competitive admissions process. Before easter we try to match the students with the companies. The last call is made on your end in the selection process. 

The internships are exempt from the minimum wage and our students are looking to gain knowledge and experience rather than monetary compensation. The internships are an obligatory part of the programme. 

Interested? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact us

David Heller.jpg


Adjunct Professor
Politecnico di Milano

In the News

"The Innovation School allows German companies to work with some of the best business students in Norway."
German ambassador to Norway, Alfred Grannas
"The Innovation School will further connect our countries economically and intellectually."
Norwegian ambassador to Germany, Petter Ølberg

Supported by

Innovation Norway logo              AHK logo         

Embassy of Germany logo         Norwegian Embassy logo

NHH Norwegian School of Economics