Special examination arrangements

Special examination arrangements

The deadline for applying for special examination arrangements is September 1st for the autumn semester and February 1st for the spring semester. Applications for acute exam arrangements are exempted from the application deadline.

A student who has disadvantages in an examination setting due to disability, may apply for special examination arrangements in order to overcome the disadvantages. Both temporary and chronic conditions can serve as grounds for such arrangements.

How do you apply for special exam arrangements?

Download the application form from the meny on this site and fill it out. Your complete application form and documentation can be sent to exams@nhh.no. We recommend that you use your NHH student e-mail, as e-communication between NHH-accounts is encrypted.

  • Documentation


    You must provide recent documentation, issued by a doctor or other expert (e.g. speech therapist, psychologist etc.). The documentation must specify the necessary arrangements you need in order to be assessed equally. An exeption from this rule is reports from Speech-Language Pathologists.

    The documentation must describe which disadvantages your disability causes in the exam situation.

    A diagnosis does not necessarily mean that you have the right to special arrangements. Applicants with allergies, migraine, diabetes and epilepsia will only be given special arrangements if the condition is so severe that it causes serious disadvantages in the exam situation.

    The documentation must specify if the need for special arrangements is acute or chronic, and for how long the arrangements are needed.

    If the validity of the medical certificate is not specified, the arrangement will only be granted for the current semester.

  • Which exam arrangements can you apply for?

    Which exam arrangements can you apply for?


    • Extra examination time, resting time and time for breast-feeding
      • 10 minutes per hour, maximum one hour in total
    • Separate or smaller examination room
    • Use of computer or other aids
    • Writing on paper on a digital examination
    • Writing assistance or other practical help
    • Larger font in the examination question paper
    • Audio file or reading assistance
    • Alternative forms of assessment

    Students who, due to dyslexia, have been granted PC as special arrangements, will still be offered to write in Word. If one wishes to use WISEflow, please contact Section for Exams.

    Students with arrangements related to dyscalculia, dyslexia, or other reading and writing difficulties can request to attach a dyslexia form to all exams where a handwritten paper-based answer is submitted.

    Dyslexia forms are not distributed for digital exams. This applies to both school exams and home exams.


    Students who apply for arrangements that are not listed above must explain their need in their application. If we have not offered the arrangement previously, the Office of Student and Academic Affairs must assess whether it is reasonable and feasible.

    New examination arrangements or very comprehensive arrangements cannot be processed if the application is submitted after regular deadlines.

    If you have separate room or reading/writing assistance you must notify the Office of Student and Academic Affairs (exams@nhh.no) as soon as possible if you are unable to attend an examination.

  • For which exams can you be granted special exam arrengements?

    For which exams can you be granted special exam arrengements?

    Special examination arrangements may be granted for all written school examinations and individual home examinations lasting 12 hours or less.

  • Duration of granted exam arrangements

    Duration of granted exam arrangements

    You can apply for special exam arrangements each semester, several semesters, or for your entire studies. The duration of the arrangements you are granted will be defined in your decision letter.

    In case of a documented chronic condition in the original application, the student does not need to provide new documentation.

  • Acute needs for special arrangements

    Acute needs for special arrangements

    If a diagnosis occurs or worsens after the deadline and consequently the need for facilitation occurs, the student must apply for urgent facilitation as soon as possible. The documentation must be current.

    • Your application must be submitted no less than five working days before the first exam you are applying for special exam arrangemnets for. 
    • We cannot guarantee that we will be able to process applications that are submitted later than five working days before the exam date.
  • Seasonal conditions and allergies

    Seasonal conditions and allergies

    Applications for seasonal conditions and allergies have the same deadlines as other accomodations.

    • Accomodations based on seasonal conditions and allergies are granted only in the spring semester and are granted for one semester at a time.

    Unless otherwise specified in the documentation, sesonal allergies will provide accomodations in the form of rest time outside the examination room.

  • Exam arrangements on exchange

    Exam arrangements on exchange

    Students who are on exchange and need special arrangements for teaching and/or assessment, have the responsibility to report such need to the host institution. The guidelines, deadlines and offerings of the host institution must be followed.

Rules and regulations for exam arrangements

The information on this page is taken from the Regulations for Full-time Studies Section 4-6 Assessment, deadline for withdrawal and application for adaptation. You can also read our Supplementary regulations to the Regulations for Full-time Studies Chapter 4-6.