Bachelor level restricted access courses

Bachelor level restricted access courses

Some bachelor courses in the Bachelor programme in Economics and Business Administration (BØA)  have restricted access and have an earlier application deadline than other courses.


There are no restricted access courses on bachelor level this semester. 

Answer to the application and first lecture

  • You will receive the answer to your application by email on Friday 23 August.
  • If offered admission, but do not want to accept, please remember to decline in Søknadsweb by the end of Sunday 25 August so that the seat may be offered to a student on the waiting list.
  • If you do not decline within the deadline, you will be registered for the course and the exam on Monday 26 August. You will have access to the course in Canvas by 27 August, provided that the course responsible has activated it.
  • Restricted access courses shave their first lecture in week 35, at the earliest. You may find the schedule on the For students web pages. 

How to apply

If you wish to take the course for the first time:

  1. Go to the application portal to apply.
  2. Choose Access Restricted courses - Access restricted courses, bachelor level.
  3. You may choose up to three courses in order of priority. You may be admitted to a maximum of two courses. Please indicate how many courses you would like to be admitted to by noting "7,5" for one course and "15" for two courses.
  4. Please make a note in the extra information section if you belong to one of the following groups of students:
  • you have passed an exam for the first time in the spring semester of 2024, but have not received the result by 19 August (please indicate the name of the course)
  • you have been on exchange on bachelor level in the spring semester of 2024 and have not received your results by 19 August.

Please note that it is your responsibility to notify us if you belong to any of the groups above.


If you have taken the course earlier and want to retake the exam:
Please do not apply for the course following the guidelines above. Instead, send an e-mail to and ask to be registered for the exam within the registration deadline of 1 September (autumn)/1 February (spring).

Answer to the application

You will receive the answer to your application by e-mail on Friday 23 August at 4.00 PM. If the course starts late in the semester, you will receive an answer well ahead of the course registration deadline (September 1 / February 1).

Priority groups

Seats in a restricted access course is divided equally between the following two groups of students: 

  • Bachelor's programme students
  • Incoming exchange students to NHH

If fewer applicants than seats available in one of the groups, the seats are transferred to the other group. If there are more students than seats available in one of the groups, the following rules apply:

  • Bachelor's programme students are ranked according to the number of ECTS completed.
  • Incoming exchange students to NHH are randomly chosen.

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