Structure of the spesialisation

For our Executive MBA with spesialisation in Strategic Management

  • Goals for the specialisation

    Goals for the specialisation

    The specialisation in Strategic Management is a unique interdisciplinary management programme that provides a relevant and forward-looking education.

    The specialisation intends to give

    • different perspectives on disciplines within the field of strategy, economics, innovation and management that can contribute to better decision-making and development of their own enterprises. Theory and practical application are integrated in the specialisation, and the participants work on relevant issues from their own enterprises.
    • relevant research-based knowledge about strategic management in a broad perspective. Many enterprises are in a situation of constantly changing competition, often from international competitors, and an overall understanding is therefore necessary to be able to deal with challenges and create and take advantage of opportunities.
    • the ability to shed light on factors that help an enterprise to develop and mobilise resources in a way that creates lasting competitive advantages.  
    • networking opportunities for the purpose of learning and further development both in and outside the teaching situation.
  • Learning outcome

    Learning outcome

    After completing the specialisation, candidates are expected to have achieved the following overall learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


    The candidate has

    • advanced knowledge of how the strategy and management discipline has developed over time and sound knowledge of the scientific methods and approaches that form the basis for the strategy and management subjects.
    • advanced knowledge of strategic analyses of enterprises and the environments and markets they operate in, including from a sustainability perspective.
    • in-depth knowledge of finances and business and specialised knowledge of strategy and management and their importance to value creation in the enterprise.
    • in-depth knowledge of how strategy and management skills can be applied to new issues.


    The candidate can

    • analyse and apply a critical approach to various sources of information and use them to structure and formulate academic reasoning.
    • apply research-based strategy and management theories and tools in practical and theoretical problem-solving in different enterprises.
    • carry out independent strategy and management projects in accordance with applicable academic and ethical standards.

    General competence

    The candidate can

    • stay up to date and make use of new research-based strategy and management knowledge in their future career.
    • apply a global, sustainable approach to strategy and reflect on ethical issues in their own enterprise.
    • discuss and present subject-related issues and analyses with specialists as well as with the general public.
    • communicate extensive independent work in writing and orally using language that is appropriate to the field in question.
  • Assessment


    Students will be assessed in the following manner: 

    Individual home exam: 
    The students will sit an individual home exam at the end of each semester where they are tested on the learning outcomes achieved for the subject module in question.

    Master’s thesis
    The specialisaton includes an independent, written work worth 30 ECTS (master’s thesis), which should demonstrate each student’s understanding, reflection and maturation. Academic supervision is available to students while they are writing the thesis.

    The thesis is made up of four project assignments worth 7.5 ECTS each, one for each subject module. The students will be divided into groups of four participants for each project assignment. The composition of the groups can vary for the different subject modules.

    Each project assignment will consist of a topic with a defined academic approach. The assignment can be linked to an industry/enterprise represented in the group. The students will conduct an analysis where they apply the knowledge and skills they have gained about the topics elucidated in the subject module. 

    A draft of each assignment will be peer-reviewed by four other students who are not members of the same group. The input from the peer review will then be integrated into the project assignment before it is submitted for academic assessment.

    At the end of the specialisation, the four project assignments are combined to form a single document, which, together with an individual introduction chapter/reflection memo, will make up the student’s individual master’s thesis.

    The thesis will be presented and defended orally. The thesis will be presented in groups, where each student is responsible for the presentation of one chapter from their own master’s thesis. 

    Individual peer review by fellow students:
    At the end of each semester, each participant must write an individual assessment of another group’s project assignment. The assessment will also be subject to academic assessment.

  • Module 1: The big picture - competition and economic growth

    Module 1: The big picture - competition and economic growth

    The first subject module addresses various aspects of businesses' competitive environments. First, trends in the international competitive landscape are described, and models for international economics and trade are presented. Then, models for analysing the competitive situation in various industries are reviewed.

    The relationship between cooperation and competition (value creation and value capture) is central, and the topic is illuminated from both a business economic and a socio-economic perspective.

    Next, political and cultural framework conditions are addressed, including the increasing importance of the political agenda and the political processes on businesses' freedom of action and results.

    The third gathering of the subject module is held abroad. Topics discussed at this gathering include geopolitics in Europe, sustainable business models and green energy, identification of new market opportunities and new business models.

    Financial markets are treated separately.

  • Module 2: Customers, users and understanding the product market

    Module 2: Customers, users and understanding the product market

    Subject module two is about how individual businesses can identify, develop and exploit unique resources and capabilities that can provide lasting competitive power.

    Models are presented for analysing, streamlining and organising value creation processes in businesses. These show how lasting competitive power can be built based on the company's strategic resources such as competence, organisational culture, brand building, etc.

    Finally, in the subject module, knowledge about the competitive environment and the company's prerequisites are combined in a discussion of strategic choices.

  • Module 3: Competitive advantages

    Module 3: Competitive advantages

    The third subject module deals with how business areas and groups can be developed to become effective tools for implementing strategies under constantly changing working conditions.

    The subject module begins with implementation and management, with particular emphasis on how financial management is part of strategic work. This is followed by a gathering that deals with groups and group development. Topics touched upon include acquisitions, outsourcing, group development, and the role of ownership.

    This subject module also includes a gathering abroad where topics such as the organisation of global enterprises, global strategies and alliances, and international management are central.

    The subject module concludes with a gathering where innovation and business development are the main themes.

  • Module 4: The integrated picture of strategic management

    Module 4: The integrated picture of strategic management

    The final subject module deals with the individual leader's immediate work situation and important challenges that strategic leaders must address.

    Various perspectives on leadership are presented, including by showing which cognitive processes are important for how a leader captures and takes in critical signals from the outside world. Leadership and motivation of independent and highly competent employees are also thematised.

    Emphasis is also placed on how leaders can promote strategic goals by handling conflicts and negotiations in constructive ways, and by mastering internal and external communication.

    Restructuring and change processes are also topics in this subject module.