Admission and practical information

For our EMBA with spesialisation in Strategic Management

  • Admission requirements

    Admission requirements

    Participants must meet one of the following educational background criteria:

    • a bachelor's degree, or
    • a cand.mag. degree, or
    • another degree or vocational education with a scope of at least three years, or
    • an education that, pursuant to Section 3-5 of the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges, is recognised as equivalent to the above-mentioned degrees or educations.

    In special cases, other documented qualifications may be deemed to be fully or partly equivalent to the above-mentioned courses of study.

    You must also have at least three years of relevant work experience.

  • Application


    Upload the original documents that you received from the educational institution. All documentation must be in either a Scandinavian language or English, officially issued by your previous institutions or in a certified translation. For more information, please see Admission EMBA with specialisation in Strategic Management

  • Tuition Fee and Costs

    Tuition Fee and Costs

    The tuition fee includes teaching, literature, lunch and refreshments in the breaks.


    • Accommodation and evening meals (optional).
    • Travel and housing are stipulated to approx. NOK 15,000 for Europe and NOK 35,000 for Asia.

    The university fee to Sammen (student union) will cost NOK 600 per semester (§ 15 in the regulation on student unions in Norwegian).

    NHH does not offer scholarships.

  • Madatory Attendance

    Madatory Attendance

    To ensure continuity in the learning process, attendance at the study sessions and study trips is compulsory. This ensures that all participants gain the same insight into important issues and challenges raised in the learning situations. Students who miss a session can make up for their absence by writing a paper on the topic that was covered at the session in question.

    Experience sharing and networking are important elements of the learning in the specialisation. Students are therefore expected to participate actively in the teaching activities and share their experience.

    A diverse group of participants from different backgrounds and with complementary skills and experience allows for different perspectives and provides opportunities for learning across industries and disciplines.

  • Syllabus


    Norwegian School of Economics NHH will order literature packages that are normally sent out in advance of the spesialisation/semester. In addition, there is required reading that will be made available electronically.

  • Payment terms

    Payment terms