Structure of the specialisation

The Executive MBA with specialisation in Seafood Management is for people who want to pursue a career in the seafood industry or related industries, where the need for strong management skills and sustainable innovation is increasingly important to succeed in a highly competitive environment.

  • Goals for the specialisation

    Goals for the specialisation

    The specialisation is a unique interdisciplinary study that provides a relevant and future-oriented leadership education. Through the use of problem-based learning, the study aims to impart knowledge and develop expertise across key areas such as economics, strategy, management, innovation, finance and accounting.

    The study will provide students with:

    • a broad, general curriculum. Technology, sustainability, social impact and a global perspective are main themes throughout the specialisation.
    • breadth and depth through coursework that is topical, relevant, and tailored to address the critical issues of the seafood industry today and in the future.
    • research-based knowledge within strategy, business economics and leadership.
    • the ability to apply business theories and tools to address practical challenges and to mobilize resources for a sustainable competitive advantage.
    • the methodological capacity to conduct a independent research project. 
    • the possibility to build a strong network for learning and development in and outside the classroom.
    • the possibility to develop as a manager and a leader through personal and professional development workshops.
  • Learning outcome

    Learning outcome

    After completing the specialisation, the candidates have achieved the following overall learning outcomes defined as knowledge, skills, and general competence:


    The candidate has

    • deep understanding of key business disciplines, such as economics, strategy, international business, management, marketing, accounting, and finance, and can apply essential elements to the seafood industry and beyond.
    • thorough knowledge of the distinguishing features of the seafood industry and the managerial implications of operating in natural resource-based industries.
    • advanced knowledge on how key models and principles can be applied to new problems and business challenges.
    • thorough understanding of how to use new technologies in general, and in the form of digitalisation in particular, for the benefit of an organization.
    • an understanding of the role of technological and societal trends for the seafood industry, and knows how to organise for, develop and implement innovations in an organization.
    • knowledge on the importance of sustainability for the seafood industry and in the general economy but also on the importance of the seafood industry for a sustainable future.


    The candidate can

    • demonstrate advanced critical thinking
    • employ appropriate analytical models and apply critical reasoning processes to evaluate evidence, select among alternatives, and generate creative options promoting effective decision making in general and within the seafood industry.
    • apply research-based management tools to practical business challenges.
    • use advanced analysis methods to evaluate the profitability of business decisions.
    • independently manage business projects within the seafood industry and beyond according to the current professional and ethical standards.

    General competence

    The candidate

    • can use appropriate leadership skills and styles, collaborate well with others across cultures and different backgrounds, and effectively and appropriately structure teamwork.
    • understands the importance of behaving ethically and responsibly in their professional lives.
    • can recognize and frame responses to sustainability challenges and opportunities in both their own organizations and communities.
    • possesses effective communication skills; can write business documents and speak in groups and in public in a clear, concise, and analytical manner using business terminology.
    • can contribute to innovation projects.
  • The structure and organisation of the programme with specialisation in Seafood Management

    The structure and organisation of the programme with specialisation in Seafood Management

    The study is an experience-based part-time programme that consists of four modules. It is taught over a period of two years, with 6 physical sessions, 2 hybrid weeks and digital seminars. The master’s thesis comprising of 30 ECTS is written under academic supervision.

    The study aims to be the worldwide leading offering in the field. Its ambition is to attract strong international candidates. The study consists of campus weeks, synchronous digital seminars, distance-learning elements and hybrid lectures that allow digital participation.

    Whereas the campus weeks take generally place in Bergen, two of the weeks will take place as international study tours at two partner institutions. The two hybrid weeks give the students the freedom of choice to either attend on campus in Bergen, or digitally.

  • Assessment


    The specialisation contains individual and group assessments.

  • MBA thesis

    MBA thesis

    The study includes an independent written work worth 30 ECTS. This independent work should demonstrate understanding, reflection, and maturity and is written under academic supervision. The master's thesis is a larger final project that can be based on topics from all of the modules. It should function as an integrating element and apply acquired knowledge in applied research and consultancy projects. It is natural to incorporate issues from the students' workplaces or from other enterprises that the students take an interest in.

    Students start working on their master’s thesis during Module 3.

  • Module 1: Seafood Economics, Management and Marketing

    Module 1: Seafood Economics, Management and Marketing

    What is the current state of the global seafood industry, which factors shape its future and how can we manage our organization accordingly?

  • Module 2: Strategic analysis and sustainable business models

    Module 2: Strategic analysis and sustainable business models

    How does the environment influence the strategic options of an organization? In particular, how can organizations develop and make use of resources and capabilities that enables them to create sustainable competitiveness?

  • Module 3: Innovation, Leadership and International Management

    Module 3: Innovation, Leadership and International Management

    How can firms develop capabilities for strategy execution, continuous change and innovation?

  • Module 4: Finance and accounting

    Module 4: Finance and accounting

    How can an organization fulfil its financial needs and how can it transmit relevant information to its stakeholders?

  • Sustainability and Ethics

    Sustainability and Ethics

    Sustainability and ethics are integrated in all modules. The seafood industry depends on sustainable business practices, and it understanding the sustainability challenges is therefore essential. That includes sustainability towards the environment, animal welfare and food safety, but also in terms of business models and management practice. It is furthermore crucial for the participants to understand the regulatory environment and reporting needs.

  • Other topics

    Other topics

    During the studies, the content includes sessions that aim to develop the participant’s soft-skills. That includes presentation skills, who to develop team skills, intercultural competence and career management.