Custom programmes

Custom programmes

NHH Execuvite Custom programmes. Photo: Siv Dolmen


NHH Executive tailors programmes and courses to meet the specific needs of your organisation.

Our offerings are developed in collaboration with you, taking into account your organisation's unique strategy, culture, challenges, and knowledge needs. This ensures that you receive optimized program design, academic content, and delivery.

A common thread running through all of our programmes and courses is a focus on knowledge and skills that participants can immediately apply within their own organisations and that contribute to increased value creation.

In collaboration with AFF, we can also offer you programme opportunities from Norway's leading actors in research-based management theory and leadership development.

Get started!

Get in touch, and we will develop a program together - either built from scratch or based on one of our master's level offerings.

Several of Norway's largest companies and different public entities have for many years increased their competence in finance, economics, strategy, and branding through customized solutions from our strongest academic environments. You'll find several examples on our Norwegian language page.

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