Nhat Quang Le

Associate Professor Nhat Quang Le

+47 55 95 93 01
Strategy and Management
Digital Transformation Hub
Marketing Effectiveness Social Influence Customer Analytics Consumer Choice Modeling Structural Equation Modeling


Nhat Quang Le is an Associate Professor in Marketing at the Department of Strategy and Management (SOL) at NHH. He obtained his PhD in Marketing at NHH Norwegian School of Economics in 2019. Previously, Nhat was a full-time Associate Professor in Marketing at BI Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen Campus. Nhat’s general research interest lies in the fields of marketing analytics and consumer research. He is familiar with advanced consumer choice and structural equation modeling. He works with both time-series and survey/experiment-based data sets to explain consumer responses and how different marketing mix instruments such as direct marketing, advertising, or publicity, would affect their behaviors and "lifetime" value.

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Selected publications

Author(s) Title Publisher
Le, Nhat Quang; Supphellen, Magne Effects of Influencer Endorsement of Instagram Ads on Brand Attitudes, WOM Intentions, and Purchase Intentions Advances in Consumer Research Volume 49; page 414 - 415; 2021
Ruge, Christian O.; Le, Nhat Quang; Supphellen, Magne When and Why Employees of Non-Profits Promote their Organizations:Determinants of Staff-Word-of-Mouth (SWOM) International Journal of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Marketing (9 pages); 2020
Le, Nhat Quang; Supphellen, Magne; Bagozzi, Richard P. Effects of negative social information on the willingness to support charities: the moderating role of regulatory focus Marketing letters (12 pages); 2020
Magelssen, Morten; Le, Nhat Quang; Supphellen, Magne Secularity, abortion, assisted dying and the future of conscientious objection: modelling the relationship between attitudes BMC Medical Ethics Volume 20; 2019
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