Professor Emeritus Jørn Kjell Rognes
- Telephone
- +47 55 95 94 95
- Department
- Strategy and Management
- Office
- E329
- Expertise
- Organisation and Management Negotiations
Jørn Kjell Rognes works in the area of organizational behavior with a special focus on negotiaton, mediation and conflict management.
He has been in his current position as professor of organziational behavior since 1996. He received his Ph.D from Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University in 1987.
Selected publications
Author(s) | Title | Publisher |
Schei, Vidar; Rognes, Jørn Kjell | Female groups are not like others?: Effects of gender composition on intergroup cooperation | Beta Volume 33 (1); page 7 - 21; 2019 |
Schei, Vidar; Rognes, Jørn Kjell | Påvirker kjønn forhandlinger? | Magma forskning og viten Volume 20 (2); page 44 - 49; 2017 |
Mykland, Solfrid; Rognes, Jørn Kjell | Om toppledere og konflikthåndtering | Fred, forsoning og mægling; page 141 - 153; 2017 |
Rognes, Jørn Kjell | Forhandlinger | Universitetsforlaget; 2015 |