Fred Schroyen

Professor Fred Schroyen

+47 55 95 95 83
Macro, Risk and Sustainability Centre NoCeT
Tax and Public Economics Health Economics Risk and Insurance Economics


Fred Schroyen has been a full professor in economics since 2005. After undergraduate studies in Applied Economics at University of Antwerp (1984), he received an MSc in Economics degree from London School of Economics (1990) and a PhD in Economics degree from University of Leuven (1994).  He was the holder of a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship at NHH in 1996-7.

His major research interests are in the fields of risk and insurance economics, health economics and public economics.  He aims to use microeconomic theory to inform descriptive empirical analysis and public policy.  He has published articles in a.o. Economica, Games and Economic Behavior, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, Journal of Public Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 

Fred is an associate editor for the Geneva Risk and Insurance Review.  He teaches optimization techniques and applied microeconomics in the master programme and advanced microeconomic theory in the PhD programme. For the latter course, he received the Golden Integral Award for excellence in teaching.

Selected publications

Author(s) Title Publisher
Pauwels, Wilfried; Schroyen, Fred The legal incidence of ad valorem taxes matters Journal of Economics Volume 142; page 199 - 211; 2024
Liu, Kai; Prommawin, Benjapon; Schroyen, Alfred Jean-Marie Health insurance, agricultural production and investments Journal of Health Economics Volume 97; 2024
Schroyen, Fred The importance of correcting for health-related survey non-response when estimating health expectancies: Evidence from the HUNT Study Demographic Research Volume 50; page 667 - 732; 2024
Gravelle, Hugh; Schroyen, Fred Optimal hospital payment rules under rationing by waiting Journal of Health Economics Volume 70; 2020
More publications in Cristin


Optimisation, Applied Microeconomic Theory