Evarist Stoja

Adjunct Professor Evarist Stoja

+47 55 95 90 32
Applied Financial Econometrics Risk Modelling and Management Asset Pricing


Evarist Stoja is Adjunct Professor within the Department of Finance alongside his position as a Professor in Finance at the University of Bristol, UK. He has a PhD in Finance from the University of Exeter, UK.

Evarist’s research interests lie in the areas of financial econometrics, risk measurement and portfolio management. He has publications in leading international journals in Economics and Finance including the Journal of Futures Markets, the European Journal of Operational Research and Journal of International Money and Finance. Evarist has held visiting academic positions in US, Europe and China.

Evarist has extensive consultancy experience in the investment banking and fund management sectors. Since 2015, Evarist has been an adviser to the Bank of England where he focuses on risk management for financial institutions. He is also an adviser to SLJ Macro Partners, a macro investment company that manages a hedge fund, and provides active FX overlay and macro research and advisory services.