Aasmund Eilifsen

Professor Emeritus Aasmund Eilifsen

+47 55 95 93 23
Accounting, Auditing and Law
Aasmund Eilifsen is Professor in Auditing at the Department of Accounting, Auditing, and Law. He received his PhD from NHH. He has been visiting scholar/professor at Free University of Berlin, Technical University Darmstadt, University of Florida, and University of Washington.  
His main research interests are audit markets, auditor judgments and decision-making, materiality, and audit practice using archival data, experiments, and qualitative research methods.
He has authored or coauthored more than 25 articles in journals, including in Accounting, Organization and Society, Accounting Horizons, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Contemporary Accounting Research, European Accounting Review, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Auditing, Journal of Accounting Literature, and Scandinavian Journal of Management. 
Eilifsen is or has been on several editorial boards, including Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, European Accounting Review, International Journal of Auditing, and The International Journal of Accounting. 
Eilifsen serves or has been serving on a number of scientific committees, including the EAA Standing Scientific Committee and the EARNet Scientific Committee.
Eilifsen is the lead author of the international auditing textbook: Auditing and Assurance Services International Edition. 

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Selected publications

Author(s) Title Publisher
Commerford, Benjamin Paul; Eilifsen, Aasmund; Hatfield, Richard; Holmstrom, Kathryn M.; Kinserdal, Finn Control issues: How providing input affects auditors' reliance on artificial intelligence Contemporary Accounting Research Volume 41 (4); page 2134 - 2162; 2024
Eilifsen, Aasmund; Kinserdal, Finn Digitalisering i revisjonsbransjen Revisjon og Regnskap; 2021
Eilifsen, Aasmund; Knivsflå, Kjell Henry Core earnings management: How do audit firms interact with classification shifting and accruals management? International Journal of Auditing Volume 25 (1); page 142 - 165; 2021
Eilifsen, Aasmund Opplysning om vesentlighet i revisjonsberetningen Revisjon og Regnskap; 2021
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