Topics for Master Thesis
Sugggested topics for Matser Thesis from the Department og Strategy and Management.
- Effective communication of sustainability in B2C and B2B markets
- Aligning marketing activities and sustainability within the organization
- Exploring strategies to make repairs, reuse, refurbish more profitable for firms
- Investigating alternative and emerging topics of sustainability in ownership - secondhand, rental etc.
- Communication of sustainability improvements in “dirty” industries
- Research projects on sustainable consumer behavior at sports events. Examples of research topics within this project are:
- Nudging sustainable behavior at events
- Spillover-effects of sustainable behaviors
- Fan identity and sustainable behavior
Brand management
- Brand experience
- Service/product adoption
- Brand positioning
- Effects of various types of labels
- Measuring the effectiveness of influencer marketing
- How to exploit country-of-origin associations in export branding
Marketing strategies
- Relevance of alternative market strategies
- Marketing and supply chain management
- Analysis of customer assessment (video and text analysis)
- Customer value assessment
- Use of GenAI in marketing research
- Exploring conversational search new forms of shopping
- Fake reviews and trust in platforms
- Darkside of Influencer Marketing
- Privacy regulations in digital content creation
- Moral psychology and artificial intelligence
- AI in Marketing
- Impact of AI in consumer well-being
- Measuring the impact of AI in advertising revenue
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