Doctoral Dissertations
An overview of doctoral dissertations at the Department of Strategy and Management.
Available dissertations from the department can be found in NHH’s Open Institutional Repository, Brage
- Tora Lou
Cognitive and emotional aspects of leading in the face of competing demands: A phenomenological study of top exectutives
- Tora Lou
- Mohammad Zarei
Servant leadership in a marketing context -
Katrine Berg NødtvedtThe role of identity in access-based consumtion
- Carolina Costabile
Collaborative digital platform ecosystems: A governance perspective - A literature review combined with insights from the Norwegian aquaculture industry - Jareef Bin Martuza
Essays in Moral Desisions - Lars Arvei Moen
Strategy and Digital Transformation: Exploring the relationship between strategy and digital transformation in established firms - Iffat Tarannum
Understanding the role of textual paralanguage in electronic word of mouth
- Mohammad Zarei
- Christina Roe Steen
Governing Knowledge Sharing and Transfer in MNCs by Organizational Mechanisms Enabling Social Interaction - Cassandra Lee F. Torgnes
Non-competes in the Norwegian Context - Yi Lin
Studies on interorganizational networks: The case of two regional clusters in Norway - Bård Fyhn
Safe today, tomorrow, and together: A dynamic perspective on team psychological safety - Halldor Ørn Engilbertsson
The Imbalanced Consumer: The effect of physical imbalance on brand recall and construal level - Christer André Flatøy
New insights into freelancers' and independent contractors' experiences
- Christina Roe Steen
- Marius Jones
Shaped like a loop, fuelled by feelings: Organisational learning in start-ups - Magne S. Angelshaug
Business Model Innovation: The Role of the Top Management’s Composition, Cognition, and Knowledge Sourcing Strategy - Elisabeth Andvik
Mind the Gap: Building Bridges in lnterprofessional Teams - Tatevik Harutyunyan
Alignment Between Firms and Board Directors: Implications for New Ventures - Julie S. Ågnes
Collective Employee Narraatives and Responses to Subtractive Change - Kristin A. Ringvold
Leading Business Model Innovation in Established Firms
- Marius Jones
- Karen Sæbbø Osmundsen
Digital Transformation In Incumbent Firms - Silje Rydland Skaar
First-Line Managers as Change Agents in the Implementation of Planned Change
- Karen Sæbbø Osmundsen
- Abdallah Wumpini Issahaka
Knowledge Workers’ Preferences for Leadership: Reimagining a Follower-Trait Perspective - Sujit Pandey
Human Capital and New Firm Performance: Founders, Employees and Board Members
- Abdallah Wumpini Issahaka
- Kjersti Berg Danilova
Leading Change Across the Organization
- Heidi Buverud
ERP system implementation: How top managers’ involvement in a change project matters
- Nhat Quang Le
Explaining communication effects on donation behavior: The roles of contractual relations and social information
- Alexander Farestvedt Hem
Beyond Uniqueness: Developing and Testing a New Typology of Brand Benefit Differentiation
- Xinlu Qui
Knowledge Transfer across Boundaries: Studies on the role of indviduals regarding knowledge transfer and innovation
- Håvard Huse
Predicting Credit Card Delinquency: A Fundamental Model of Cardholder Financial Behavior
- Kjersti Berg Danilova
- Monica Rydland
Middle Managers' Role as Change Agents - Variations in Approaches and their Contributions to the Progress of Change
- Monica Rydland
- Hallgeir Sjåstad
«The psychology of prospection.Experimental studies on the nature of future-oriented thinking» - Synnøve Nesse
When Leadership Matters More Than Leaders: Developing a Processual Perspective on Leadership during Organizational Crises - Natalie Truong
"When my relationship partner fails me...". The role of consumer-product relationship in responses to functional failures
- Hallgeir Sjåstad
- Seidali Kurtmollaiev
Service, Innovation, and Dynamic Capabilities: From Conceptualization to Explanation - Mads Nordmo
«We care, and we mean it»: Psychological mechanisms influencing perceptions of sincerity in CSR communication - Berit Sund
Norwegian Leadership: A Culturally Congruent Approach - Hans Anton Stubberud
Business Incubators and Entrepreneurial Performance: The Influence of Network Value and Absorptive Capacity - Søren Wenstøp
On the nature and sources of normativity: Normativity as grounded in affective human nature - Birgit Andrine Apenes Solem
"The process of customer brand engagement in interactive contexts: Prerequisites, conceptual foundations, antecedents, and outcomes"
- Seidali Kurtmollaiev
- Jarle Bastesen
Rapid-growth firms in Norway: Characteristics of growth factors in benign and adverse environments - Sinead O'Flanagan
Learning to Lead: An Ethnographic Study of an Experiential Leadership Course - Ganesh Prasad Neupane
Emergence of Supply Chain Risk Management Capability as an Aid to Value Creation: An Empirical Study of Handicrafts Manufacturers of Nepal - Njål Sivertstøl
Online Communities for Customer Support: A Study of Participation and its antecedents - Trond Vegard Johannessen
Data presentation formats and decision making effectiveness: An exploratory study
- Jarle Bastesen
- Nasun Moadmuang
Transaction Cost Economics, Firm Power, and Negotiation Strategies: An Empirical Study of Buyer-Supplier Relationships in the Oil and Gas Industry - Aleksander Sivertsen
Do We Really Like Things Better When They Are Easy To Imagine? An Exploration of How Consumers Interpret Simulation Fluency - Ann-Kristin Elstad
Critical Success Factors When Implementing An Enterprise System - An Employee Perspective. - Irmelin Drake
Mylder av stemmer eller flerstemt kor? En studie av subjektive oppfatninger om ledelse og ledelsesomgivelsene blant stakeholdere innad i et konsern - Eirik Sjåholm Knudsen
Firms in Recessions
- Nasun Moadmuang
- Ghulam Mustafa
Causes and Consequences of Culturally Congruent Leadership: Theoretical and Empirical Insights - Bjørn Gunnar Hansen
Problem solving in dairy farming
- Ghulam Mustafa
- Roar Jakobsen
Public sector service contracting. Transaction cost economics and institutional theory considerations - Therese Sverdrup
The strength of reciprocity: Exploring the horizontal psychological contracts in work teams
- Roar Jakobsen
- Alexander Madsen Sandvik
Leadership of knowledge workers - Mark Pasquine
Now you see me, now you don't? Effects of choice set configuration in complex choice tasks - Dag Øyvind Madsen
The impact of the Balanced Scorecard in Scandinavia: A comparative study of three national management fashion markets - Ove Oklevik
Effects of and Antecedents to Brand Personality: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach - Wing Shing Lee
The Impact of Emotional Variables on Trust: Why Individual Differences Matter - Bolann, Elin
Transfer effects of place and brand partner associations in evaluation of place brand alliances: An accessibility-diagnosticity perspective - Mykland, Solfrid
En studie av mekleratferd i norske rettsmeklinger - Engeset, Marit Gundersen
The Creative Consumer: Exploring consumer behavior from a creativity perspective
- Alexander Madsen Sandvik
- Aas, Tor Helge
Toward a Management control System for Service Innovation Activities - Fjellvær, Hilde
Dual and Unitary leadership: Managing ambiguity in pluralistic organizations - Kvitastein, Olav
Three papers on evaluations: The "what if" in the evaluation of public programs - Skard, Siv
Communication Effects in Sponsorships: An assessment of how different communication strategies can enhance incongruent sponsorships - Hope, Ole
Essays on Middle Management Responses to Change Initiatives
- Aas, Tor Helge
- Pran, Kristin Rogge
COO Advertising of Export Products: Effects on Perceptions of Product-origin Typicality and Product Evaluation - Pedersen, Lars Jacob Tynes
Making Sense of Sensitivity: Moral Sensitivity and Problem Formulation in Business - Peretz, Adrian
Brand Personality and the Utilitarian Brand
- Pran, Kristin Rogge
- Mæhle, Natalia
In Search of the Sources of Brand Personality - Opstad, Birger
Merkeutvidelser: Betydningen av kompleksitet innen utvidelseskategorien og informasjonstilgjengelighet på konsumentens vurdering - Lange, Birthe Kåfjord
It's about Time. A Study of How Norwegian Managers Handle Time at Work - Lofquist, Eric Arne
Measuring the Effects of Strategic Change on Safety in a High Reliability Organization - Nissestad, Odd Arne
Leadership Development: An Empirical Study of Effectiveness of the Leadership Development Program at The Royal Norwegian Naval Academy and its Impact on Preparing Officers to execute Leadership in Today's Conflicts and the Conflicts in the Years Ahead
- Mæhle, Natalia
- Denstadli, Jon Martin
Information Processing and Predictive Validity in Conjoint Experiments: The Role of Task Complexity and Individual Level Factors - Sunde, Per Anders
Governance and asset specifictiy as facilitators and sources of innovation and value creation - Jelstad, Beate
Beyond money: Intrinsic work motivation in profit and nonprofit organizations - Johansen, Svein Tvedt
Trust in Initial Encounters: A Motivational Cognitive Theory - Jakubanecs, Alexander
Cultural Embeddedness of Products Scale: Theoretical development and empirical testing in the U.S. and Norway - Elvekrok, Ingunn
Medvirkning - mer enn medvirkning. Effekter av ulike medvirkningsformer i strategiske endringsprosjekt.
- Denstadli, Jon Martin
- Prebensen, Nina Katrine
A grammar of motives for understanding individual tourist behaviour - Flygansvær, Bente Merete
Coordinated Action in Reverse Distribution Systems - Ravndal, Bjarte
Governance of IT Sourcing Relationships: An Empirical Investigation of the Influence of Contract Mechanisms on Contract Behavior - Hundsnes, Tore
Organising Strategy: Continuity and Transformation of Corporate Structures. A complexity perspective - Gressgård, Leif Jarle
Computer-mediated group interaction and innovativeness - investigating the effects of communication properties, cognitive style, and idea generation attitudes on innovative thinking processes
- Prebensen, Nina Katrine
- Xie, Chuyan
Trying to prosume: Toward a perspective on presumption - Svendsen, Mons Freng
Governing international customer relationships. The influence of product differentiation,
customer market attractiveness, and relational capability - Pettersen, Inger Beate
A multi-level perspective on exit intention in business relationships. What are the effects of specific investments in international business dyads in the seafood industry? - Hillestad, Tore
Toppledelsens troverdighet ved kriser. En studie av legitimitetsprosesser ved Åsgard-overskridelsene og Åsta-ulykken - Bulukin, Kristijane Cook
Lederlegitimitet - en eksplorativ studie - Birkeland, Gunnar
Strategic Issue Diagnosis as a Cultural Process of Paradox and Unobtrusive Power
- Xie, Chuyan
- Samuelsen, Bendik Meling
Contextual Priming and Attitude Change Processes: Advertising Context, Elaboration, and Attitude Strength - Heyerdahl, Torbjørn
A New Gas World. Administration of Gas Trade in the North Sea - Haueng, Anne Cathrin
Change Processes: Heading in the right direction? A Power Perspective on Progress Measurement - Aarstad, Jarle
Social Capital as a Multilevel Phenomenon: A Cross-Level and Mixed-Determinant Network Study from the Emerging Micro-Power Field - Tobiassen, Anita Ellen
Markedseksponering: Konsekvenser for samarbeid i interne kunde-leverandør-relasjoner
- Samuelsen, Bendik Meling
- Thorbjørnsen, Helge
Building brand relationships online: The role of interactivity, relationship motives and internet experience - Iversen, Nina M.
Using Country Stereotypes to Build Brand Personalities: A Priming Perspective - Hammervoll, Trond
Value creation in cooperative vertical relationships - Lien, Lasse
The Survivor Principle Meets Corporate Diversification - Farstad, Eivind
How to govern generic marketing organizations. With special focus on National Tourism Organizations (NTOs)
- Thorbjørnsen, Helge
- Sallis, James
Relationship learning with key customers - Nyhus, Ellen Katrine
Psychological Determinants of Household Saving Behavior - Wennes, Grete
Skjønnheten og udyret: Kunsten å lede kunstorganisasjonen - Stensaker, Inger Grøgaard
A Change in Plans. A Sensemaking Perspective on Strategy Implementation
- Sallis, James
- Hem, Leif
Merkeutvidelser. Effekter av trekk ved individ, objekt og kontekst på vurdering - Ness, Håvard
Interorganizational Developmental Processes: Governance and Interaction in Continuous Negotiated Agreements
- Hem, Leif
- Døving, Erik
Aquisition of Competences in the Workplace. Human Resource Development in Statoil - Elstad, Beate
Generation of interpersonal skills: A study of informal learning among volunteers - Johnsen, Åge
Performance Measurement in Local Government: Organisational Control in Political Institutions - Nysveen, Herbjørn
Reklamens betydning for holdning til produktet. En sammenligning av produktinformasjon formidlet i ulike medier - Sørebø, Øystein
Involvement and End-User Computing: An Empirical Investigation of the Influence of Involvement in the Context of End-User Computing
- Døving, Erik
- Biong, Harald
Som Essays on Marketing Relationships and Relationship Marketing - Jenssen, Jan Inge
Entrepreneurial Networks. A Study of the Impact of Social Networks and Resource Access on the Start-up of New Organizations - Lunnan, Randi
Strategic flexibility and alliances - Schei, Vidar
Forhandlinger i grupper: effekter av målorientering på resultat - Øgaard, Torvald
The role of organization culture in service operation: Effects on customer satisfaction and employees' affective outcomes
- Biong, Harald
- Gjelsvik, Martin
Employment relations: determinants and consequences - Jakobsen, Erik W.
Finansiering og styring av fellesgodeprodusenter: Områdeorganisasjoner i reiselivsnæringen som empirisk arena - Kuvaas, Bård
Strategic issue diagnosis: the roles of organizational scanning, information processing structure of top management teams, and managers' cognitive complexity - Sandvik, Kåre
The effects of market orientation - Skalpe, Ole
The economics of quality: an empirical study in the hotel industry - Supphellen, Magne
The impact of anonymity in elicitation of brand associations: Theoretical and empirical developments
- Gjelsvik, Martin
- Altenborg, Ellen Elisabeth
Inter-firm, inter-division, and within-division relations : An inquiry into the incentives of the contract and the transaction costs - Eikebrokk, Tom Roar
Kommunikasjonsteknologier i organisasjoner : En empirisk studie av evaluering og bruk - Ladegård, Gro
Forming strategic alliances: the role of social compatibility - Støle, Roald
Kommersialiseringsprosessen for FoU-intensive produkter i et kontraktsteoretisk kontra nettverksteoretisk perspektiv: Illustrert ved caset Elkem Microsilica - Traavik, Laura E. Mercer
Group negotiation:more people more problems?: examining dyadic and group negotiation
- Altenborg, Ellen Elisabeth
- De Paoli, Donatella
Projects as a reflection of the core group: the case of construction projects - Henjesand, Inge Jan
Spørsmål og svar i spørreskjemaundersøkelser: eksperimenter i forbindelse med valg av: Ordlyd i spørsmålstilling, benevnelse på svarskala og rekkefølge på spørsmål - Hernes, Helge
Social identifications and prosocial behavior among hospital employees - Meyer, Christine Benedichte
The process of organisational integration in mergers and acquisitions
- De Paoli, Donatella
- Benito, Gabriel R. G.
Studies in the foreign direct investment and divestment behavior of Norwegian manufacturing companies - Breivik, Einar
Evaluation differences between goods and services: The role of product intangibility - Buvik, Arnt
Allocation of specific assets and vertical coordination in industrial purchasing relationships - Pedersen, Per Egil
Connectionist models of financial diagnosis - Rokkan, Aksel Ivar
Contractual norms in chain - vendor relations: Commitment of resources and fulfilment of promises as a problem of collective action
- Benito, Gabriel R. G.
- Abdul-Muhmin, Alhassan G.
A process-tracing study of external information search in multiple item purchase decisions - Foss, Lene
Entrepreneurship: The impact of human capital, a social network and business resources on start-up - Randøy, Trond
The motives and determinants for foreign market servicing: A survey of Norwegian foreign direct investment
- Abdul-Muhmin, Alhassan G.
- Pettersen, Inger Johanne
Organisering og resultat: To sider av samme sak: en empirisk studie av gruppe-relasjoner i generelle intensivavdelinger ved norske sykehus
- Pettersen, Inger Johanne
- Busch, Tor
Overføring av læring - Lines, Rune
Environmental orientation of managers in two Norwegian industries: The construct and its antecedents - Nygaard, Arne
An empirical analysis of performance in principal-agent relations - Rynning, Helge
Commitment and ethical decision-making in the R&D process in pharmaceutical industry
- Busch, Tor
- Gretland, Bjørge
Strategic mergers acquisitions: Value creation and the market for corporate control
- Gretland, Bjørge
- Haukedal, Willy
Environmental images: a study of managerial cognition in the context of strategy formulation - Kleppe, Ingeborg Astrid
Teoretisk versus subjektiv beslutningsinnflytelse: En eksperimentell studie - Ulset, Svein
Styringsmekanismer for forsknings- og utviklingsprosjekter: En empirisk studie av kontrakter og styringsmekanismer for IT-baserte FoU-prosjekter
- Haukedal, Willy
- Jakobsen, Ove
En vitenskapsteoretisk analyse av markedsføringens utvikling som akademisk fag - Fuglseth, Anna Mette
Beslutningsstøtte: metode for diagnose av lederes informasjons- og situasjonsoppfatninger
- Jakobsen, Ove
- Karlsen, Jan Erik
Myter og symbolsk ledelse i oljesektoren - Haugland, Sven A.
Relasjonskontrakter i distribusjonskanaler: en empirisk studie av distribusjonskanaler for eksport av norsk oppdrettslaks
- Karlsen, Jan Erik
- Greve, Arent
Turnover and career mobility
- Greve, Arent
- Selnes, Fred
Effekten av produktkunnskap på informasjonssøking
- Selnes, Fred