Past events

Past events

Past conferences, seminars and other events hosted by the Department of Finance, its faculty and connected research centres.

  • Past events 2024

    Past events 2024

    06 - 07 May  

    The Nordic Finance Network (NFN)

    Finance Workshop for young scholars from Nordic universities

    13 - 16 May

    PhD intensive course on Advanced Topics in Corporate Finance
    Ran Duchin, Boston College Carroll School of Management

    20 - 24 May

    PhD intensive course on Advanced Empirical Market Microstructure
    Jonathan Brogaard, University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business

  • Past events 2023

    Past events 2023

  • Past events 2022

    Past events 2022

    18 - 22 April

    PhD intensive course on Advanced Empirical Market Microstructure
    Jonathan Brogaard, University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business

    22 August - 02 September

    PhD intensive course on Corporate Finane and Industrial Organization
    Gordon Phillips, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

  • Past events 2021

    Past events 2021

  • Past events 2020

    Past events 2020

    22 - 23 October                                  

    Bergen Fin Tech Conference 
    Conference hosted by the Department of Finance, Argentum Centre for Private Equity


  • Past events 2019

    Past events 2019

    07 March

    Finans|Bergen Seminar: The Evolving Landscape of Impact Investing: Many New Questions and a Few Answers
    Professor David Musto, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania

    24 April

    Finans|Bergen Seminar: Friend or Foe? Cross-Border Linkages, Contagious Banking Crises, and “Coordinated” Macroprudential Policies
    Dr Laura Kodres, IMF

    03 May

    ACPE Seminar: Climate risk and financial risk
    Research Director Christa Clapp, CICERO

    07 - 08 June

    NICE Conference, organised by the Centre for Corporate Finance


    29 November

    Reporting vs Achieving - how to show the climate effect of capital?
    Conference hosted by the Department of Finance, Argentum Centre for Private Equity, SustainableInsight and Nysnø


    02 December

    Bergen Fin Tech Conference 
    Hosted by NHH and the Argentum Centre for Private equity.


  • Past events 2018

    Past events 2018

    08 February

    Finans|Bergen Seminar: Recent Developments in Finance
    Karin Thorburn, NHH and Walt Poh, NHH

    08 June

    FinTech Conference

    18 - 21 June

    PhD intensive course on Special Topics in Corporate Finance
    Jonathan Karpoff, Foster School of Business, University of Washington

    20 - 22 August

    Asset Pricing Workshop I 
    Lars A. Løchstøer, UCLA

    17 - 20 September

    Recent Evidence on CEO Incentives
    Ron Masulis, UNSW Business School

     18 September

    Høringskonferanse – Kapitaltilgangsutvalget: NOU 2018: 5 Kapital i

    04 October

    Finans|Bergen Seminar: The Future of Fintech: The Communication and Quantum Revolutions
    Professor Ulf Osterberg, NTNU

    29 - 30 November   

    The Nordic Finance Network (NFN)

    The 7th Finance Workshop for young scholars from Nordic universities

    03 December 

    Entrepreneurship and Finance Conference

    11 - 12 December

    Asset Pricing Workshop II
    Lars A. Løchstøer, UCLA

  • Past events 2017

    Past events 2017

    21 - 23 August

    Asset Pricing Workshop I
    Lars A. Løchstøer, UCLA

  • Past events 2016

    Past events 2016


    19 - 20 May

    PhD Nordic Finance Workshop
    Murillo Campello, Cornell University

    31 May - 29 June 

    PhD course on Empirical Research in Corporate Finance
    Espen Eckbo, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College

    06 - 07 June                                

    PhD intensive course on Financial Market Microstructure
    Maureen O'Hara and David Easley, Cornell University

    09 - 10 June

    Jan Mossin Memorial Symposium on Financial Markets
    Maureen O'Hara and David Easley (Cornell University), Ronan Ryan (IEX)

    22 - 26 August  PhD course on Identification Strategies in Finance
    Murillo Campello, Cornell University
    14 - 16 September PhD intensive course on Empirical Asset Pricing
    Lars A. Løchstøer, UCLA
    08 - 09 December PhD intensive course on Empirical Asset Pricing
    Lars A. Løchstøer, UCLA


  • Past events 2015

    Past events 2015

    17 - 19 August 

    PhD workshop in Empirical Asset Pricing part I
    Lars A. Løchstøer, Columbia University

    10 - 11 December 

    PhD workshop in Empirical Asset Pricing part II
    Lars A. Løchstøer, Columbia University

    15 December 

    Argentum Centre for Private Equity Conference

  • Past events 2014

    Past events 2014

    01 September Argentum Centre for Private Equity Symposium
    10 - 11 November      Careers, Wages and Women Workshop
    08 - 12 December          

    PhD Workshop in Empirical Asset Pricing
    Lars A. Løchstøer, Columbia University

  • CCF Conference 2015 - 2025

    CCF Conference 2015 - 2025

    The Centre for Corporate Finance 

    Conference overview

  • Young Scholar Webinar Series 2020-2022

    Young Scholar Webinar Series 2020-2022

    NFN and the Department of Finance webinar series for Finance Junior Faculty at Nordic Universities

    The webinar series started Fall 2020, and offered Finance Junior Faculty at Nordic Universities a possibility to present their research, to get early stage feedback, and to build a research network in the times of Covid 19.


    Spring 2022

    Tuesday, 01 March, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Stefan Hirth, Aarhus University
    Title:  Bankruptcy Prediction with Incomplete Accounting Information
    Discussant: Thomas Geelen, CBS
    Tuesday, 15 March, 11:00 - 12:00 CET

    Paul Whelan, Copenhagen Business School
    Title: Subjective Risk Premia on Foreign Bonds
    Discussant: Alessandro Graniero, BI

    Tuesday, 29 March, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Adam W. Winegar, BI Norwegian Business School
    Title: Financing Cycles
    Discussant: Diogo Mendes, SSE

    Tuesday, 12 April, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Xiang Zheng, NHH
    Title: Workplace Harassment Risk, Non-disclosure Agreements, and Information Flow
    Discussant: José Albuquerque de Sousa, NHH

    Tuesday, 26 April, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Matthias Lassak, University of Aarhus
    Title: Wait, What? The Consequences of Not Disclosing Feedback-Stimulating Information
    Discussant: Gustav Martinsson, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

    Tuesday, 3 May, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Nataliya Gerasimova, NHH
    Title: Advising the Advisors: Evidence from ETFs
    Discussant: Matthijs Lof, Aalto University

    Tuesday, 24 May, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Egle Karmaziene, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Swedish House of Finance
    Title: The Two Sides of the Corporate Bond ETF Liquidity Transformation
    Discussant: Zhi Da, University of Notre Dame

    Tuesday, 07 June, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Janis Berzins, BI Norwegian Business School
    Title: Conflicts in Private Family Firms
    Discussant:  Laurent Bach, ESSEC Business School, Swedish House of Finance


    Autumn 2021


    Tuesday, 14 September, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Claes Bäckman, Aarhus University 
    Title: The Amortization Elasticity of Mortgage Demand
    Discussant: Ragnar Juelsrud, Norges Bank 


    Tuesday, 28 September, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Thomas Geelen, CBS
    Title: Relationship Capital and Financing Decisions
    Discussant: Adam Winegar, BI


    Tuesday, 12 October, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Maximilian Rohrer, NHH
    Title: The effect of ESG incident location on the market’s response
    Discussant: Petri Jylhä, Aalto University School of Business


    Tuesday, 26 October, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Mansoor Afzali, Hanken School of Economics
    Title: Management Guidance and Monetary Policy Transmission in the Eurozone
    Discussant: Daniel Streitz, University of Jena


    Tuesday, 09 November, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Alvin Chen, SSE
    Title: A Model of Stock Buybacks
    Discussant: Björn Hagströmer, Stockholm Business School


    Tuesday, 23 November, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Daniel Kim, BI
    Title: Estimating the Competition Among Credit Rating Agencies and its Impact on the Municipal Bond Market


    Tuesday, 07 December, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Jan Starmans, SSE
    Title: The Pace of Change: Socially Responsible Investing in Private Markets
    Discussant: Max Rohrer, NHH

    Spring 2021 

    Tuesday, 02 February, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Jorge Hansen, Aarhus BSS 
    Title: Tell Me a Story: Quantifying Economic Narratives and Their Role during COVID-19
    Discussant: Leif Anders Thorsrud, BI Norwegian Business School


    Tuesday, 16 February, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Vincent Maurin, Stockholm School of Economics
    Title: The Design of a Central Clearing Counterparty
    Discussant: Roberto Ricco’, NHH


    Tuesday, 02 March, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Niclas Meyer, Hanken School of Economics
    Title: ESG and CEO Turnover
    Discussant: Aksel Mjøs, NHH


    Tuesday 16 March, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Ming Zeng, University of Gothenburg
    Title: Term Structure of Equity and Bond Yields over Business Cycles
    Discussant: Paul Whelan, Copenhagen Business School


    Tuesday, 30 March, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Thomas Poulsen, BI Business School
    Title: Dealer Networks and the Cost of Immediacy
    Discussant: Peter Feldhutter, Copenhagen Business School


    Tuesday, 13 April, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Daniel Sang Kim, BI Business School
    Title: Municipal Bond Insurance and the U.S. Drinking Water Crisis
    Discussant: Joacim Tåg, Lund University


    Tuesday, 27 April, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Anil Kumar, Aarhus BSS
    Title: Hedging and competition
    Discussant: Bo Becker, Stockholm School of Economics


    Tuesday, 25 May, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Ran Xing, Aarhus BSS
    Title: An Equilibrium Model of Career Concerns, Investment Horizons, and Mutual Fund Value Added
    Discussant: Roine Vestman, Stockholm University


    Tuesday, 08 June, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Jan Starmans, Stockholm School of Economics
    Title: Team design under moral hazard
    Discussant: Thomas Geelen, Copenhagen Business School


    Autumn 2020

    Tuesday, 15 September, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Michał Dzieliński, Stockholm Business School
    Title: HFT and the pricing of soft information: The case of FOMC press conferences


    Tuesday, 22 September, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Michael Ungeheuer, Aalto University
    Title: Growth Expectations out of WACC


    Tuesday, 29 September, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Tobias Sichert, Stockholm School of Economics
    Title: The Shape of the Pricing Kernel and Expected Option Returns


    Tuesday, 06 October, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Nataliya Gerasimova, Norwegian School of Economics
    Title: Is Government Contracting Fair? Estimating the Value of Female Politicians for Women-Owned Firms


    Tuesday, 13 October, 11.00 - 12.00 CET
    Olga Balakina, Aarhus BSS
    Title: Unshrouding product-specific attributes through financial education


    Tuesday, 20 October, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Paul Whelan, Copenhagen Business School
    Title: The Overnight Drift


    Tuesday, 27 October, 11.00 - 12.00 CET
    Jan Starmans, Stockholm School of Economics
    Title: Contracting and Search with Heterogeneous Principals and Agents


    Tuesday, 03 November, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Stefan Voigt, University of Copenhagen
    Title: Building Trust Takes Time: Limits to Arbitrage in Blockchain-Based Markets


    Tuesday, 10 November, 11.00 - 12.00 CET
    Adam W. Winegar, BI Norwegian Business School
    Title: Does Working From Home Work in the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Firm-Level Analysis


    Tuesday, 17 November, 11:00 - 12:00 CET
    Theresa Spickers, Aalto University
    Title: The Financial Expert in your Family


    Tuesday, 01 December, 11:00 - 12:00
    Daniel Borup, Aarhus BSS
    Title: Predicting bond return predictability


    Tuesday, 08 December, 11.00 - 12.00 CET
    Riccardo Sabbatucci, Stockholm School of Economics
    Title: Smart Beta Made Smart