Competition Economics and Industrial Organisation
The research group studies strategic firm behaviour and consumer demand in markets with imperfect competition using applied theoretical and empirical analysis.
Core topics are product differentiation, merger & acquisition, collusion, cartel behavior, vertical restraints, non-linear pricing, research & development, non-price competition, and two-sided markets. The research covers numerous industries, including telecom, media, airlines, pharmaceutical, healthcare, electricity, cement, gasoline, and grocery industry.
The research in Industrial Organisation also focuses on implications for competition policy and industry regulation. Core topics in competition policy are merger control, cartel detection, leniency programs, and vertical restraints. The research on industry regulation focuses on entry regulation, price regulation, patent regulation, network and access regulation, taxation, etc.
The research group is definitely the largest and most active group in Industrial Organisation in Norway. The group has an extensive research network in both Europe and the US, and is frequently being asked for expert advice by companies and government agencies.