Vacant PhD Positions

18 November 2022 16:44

Vacant PhD Positions

NHH is pleased to announce vacancies in the PhD specialisation in Economics.

General PhD Positions in Economics

The Department of Economics is looking for highly motivated and talented individuals. Candidates admitted to the PhD programme will receive the title of PhD Research Scholar. We are mainly looking for candidates in Industrial organisation, Macroeconomics, Development economics, Behavioural economics and Labour economics. 

PhD position  in the project "Freedom to Choose" (FREE)

The Department of Economics also has a vacant position in a large interdisciplinary project, Freedom to Choose (FREE). The position is financed by he Research Council of Norway and hosted by The Centre for Experimental Research on Fairness, Inequality and Rationality (FAIR). The PhD position will have a primary basis in behavioural and experimental economics, but will also integrate insights and methods from our neighbouring disciplines of social psychology and decision research.  

Please note: All candidates that would like to be considered for  the Department positions and the project position must apply both places. This is due to case management regulations.  

The PhD specialisation in economics aims to give dedicated graduates a solid training in performing high quality scientific research in economics, making use of state of the art empirical and theoretical techniques. The programme prepares students for the international academic job market, for positions at national and international policy institutions, central banks, research organisations and industry.

The Department of Economics offers an international and research active environment with 45 faculty members and 30 PhD research scholars in various fields. There are three main research groups: Centre for Experimental Research on Fairness, Inequality and Rationality (FAIR), a Centre of Excellence from the Norwegian Research Council, the Centre for Business Economics (CBE), and the Centre for Macroeconomics, Risk and Sustainability (MRS).

The department encourages interaction between PhD research scholars and faculty through social gatherings and a wide variety of seminars and workshops in which the PhD research scholars are fully involved.

PhD research scholars are provided with personal computers, printer access, extensive library resources, and a wide range of software.

Application Deadline: 15 January 2023