The Karl Borch Lecture Series was established in 2002 by the Department, in honor of Borch.
The lecture is on a current research topic and given by distinguished scholars, whose research capture the pioneering spirit of Karl Borch, but not necessarily his fields of research in a narrow sense.
Karl Borch Lecture 2024
The 19th Karl Borch Lecture will be given by Professor Josh Lerner. He is known for his research in venture capital, private equity, and innovation and entrepreneurship. He is the Jacob H. Schiff Professor of Investment Banking at the Harvard Business School. The title of his talk is “Private equity, liquidity, and corporate governance”.
(Karl Borch's Aud.)
The 19th Karl Borch Lecture
(Karl Borch's Aud.)
Professor Josh Lerner
Private Equity: The Two-Edged Sword?
Lunch (by invitation only)
Karl Borch Lectures 2002-2023
Karl Borch Lecture 2023 - Per Strömberg
Karl Borch Lecture 2023 - Per Strömberg

Per Strömberg, Stockholm School of Economics
Private equity, liquidity, and corporate governance
The 18th Karl Borch Lecture, held at NHH on Thursday September 14 2023
(10.30-11.30 in Karl Borch's Aud.).
Karl Borch Lecture 2019 - Annette Vissing-Jørgensen
Karl Borch Lecture 2019 - Annette Vissing-Jørgensen
Karl Borch Lecture 2018 - Robert C. Merton
Karl Borch Lecture 2018 - Robert C. Merton

Robert C. Merton, MIT Sloan School
Observations on Finance Science and Insurance Innovation in Improving Economic Performance
Press release
The 16th Karl Borch Lecture, held at NHH on Thursday September 20 2018
(12.15-13.45 in Karl Borch's Aud.).
Karl Borch Lecture 2017 - James Poterba
Karl Borch Lecture 2017 - James Poterba

James Poterba, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Retirement Security: The Role of Public and Private Insurance Markets
Press release
The 15th Karl Borch Lecture, held at NHH on Wednesday June 21 2017
(12.15-13.45 in Karl Borch's Aud.).
Karl Borch Lecture 2016 - Andrew W. Lo
Karl Borch Lecture 2016 - Andrew W. Lo
Karl Borch Lecture 2015 - Lasse Heje Pedersen
Karl Borch Lecture 2015 - Lasse Heje Pedersen

Lasse Heje Pedersen, Copenhagen Business School
Efficiently Inefficient
Press release
The 13th Karl Borch Lecture, held at NHH on Thursday September 3 2015
(12.15-13.45 in Agnar Sandmo's Aud.).
Additional lecture
Quality Minus Junk
(in the Department's Seminar Series, on Wednesday September 2 2015)
Karl Borch Lecture 2013 - David M. Kreps
Karl Borch Lecture 2013 - David M. Kreps
Karl Borch Lecture 2012 - Eduardo Schwartz
Karl Borch Lecture 2012 - Eduardo Schwartz
Karl Borch Lecture 2011 - John Y. Campbell
Karl Borch Lecture 2011 - John Y. Campbell

John Y. Campbell, Harvard University
Investing and Spending: The Twin Challenges of Endowment Management
The 10th Karl Borch Lecture, held at NHH on Tuesday August 23 2011
(13.10-14.20 in Dag Coward's Aud.).
Additional lecture
Hard Times
(in the Department's Seminar Series, on Monday August 22 2011)
Karl Borch Lecture 2010 - Christian Gollier
Karl Borch Lecture 2010 - Christian Gollier
Karl Borch Lecture 2009 - Jacques Drèze
Karl Borch Lecture 2009 - Jacques Drèze
Karl Borch Lecture 2008 - Mark Rubinstein
Karl Borch Lecture 2008 - Mark Rubinstein

Mark Rubinstein, University of California, Berkeley
Great Moments in Financial Economics: The Hidden History
The 7th Karl Borch Lecture, held at NHH on Friday September 5 2008
(12.15-13.45 in Karl Borch's Aud.).
Additional lecture
Rational Markets: Yes or No? The Affirmative Case
(in the Department's Seminar Series, on Monday September 8 2008)
Karl Borch Lecture 2007 - Hayne E. Leland
Karl Borch Lecture 2007 - Hayne E. Leland
Karl Borch Lecture 2006 - Stephen A. Ross
Karl Borch Lecture 2006 - Stephen A. Ross

Stephen A. Ross, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A Neoclassical Look at Behavioral Finance: A Tale of Two Anomalies
Press release (in Norwegian)
The 5th Karl Borch Lecture, held at NHH on Friday May 12 2006
(12.15-13.45 in Aud. C).
Additional lecture
Topics in Finance
(in the Department's Seminar Series, on Thursday May 11 2006)
Karl Borch Lecture 2005 - Michael Brennan
Karl Borch Lecture 2005 - Michael Brennan
Karl Borch Lecture 2004 - Robert Wilson
Karl Borch Lecture 2004 - Robert Wilson

Robert Wilson, Stanford University
Risk Management in Liberalized Electricity Markets
Press release (in Norwegian)
Partial draft
The 3rd Karl Borch Lecture, held at NHH on Friday October 29 2004
(12.15-13.45 in Finn E. Kydland's Aud.).
Additional lecture
Characterizations of Stable Equilibria of Games
(based on two papers: abstract, slides, paper 1, paper 2)
(in the Department's Seminar Series, on Thursday October 28 2004)
Karl Borch Lecture 2003 - Oliver Hart
Karl Borch Lecture 2003 - Oliver Hart
Karl Borch Lecture 2002 - Bengt Holmström
Karl Borch Lecture 2002 - Bengt Holmström

Bengt Holmström, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Liquidity and Insurance
The Inaugural Karl Borch Lecture, held at NHH on Friday May 3 2002
(13.15-14.45 in Aud. E).
Additional lecture
Vision and Firm Scope
(in the Department's Seminar Series, on Thursday May 2 2002)