Best Master Thesis Award

Best Master Thesis Award

The Department of Business and Management Science invites submissions for the Best Master Thesis Award for the academic year 2023/2024.

All students who submitted their thesis under the (co)supervision of a member of the Department of Business and Management Science in Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 are eligible.

The winner(s) will be awarded a total amount of 20 000 NOK and will have the opportunity to present their thesis to the department.

Eligible students either have to apply for the award themselves or have to be nominated by their supervisor. 

An application consists of

  • the title
  • the authors
  • the pdf file (plus attachments)

Please apply to within 6 October 2024.

The theses will be evaluated by a committee consisting of four faculty members.

Previous winners


Odin Alnæs

Liberty, Equality, Inheritance? An empirical study of inheritance’s impact on wealth inequality in Norway

Supervisor: Maximilian Todtenhaupt


Natalie Alsaker Bergsvik and Linnéa Marie Wahlman Bjøru

Optimal Scheduling of Nursing Shifts: A Case Study on Work Scheduling at Haukeland University Hospital

Supervisors: Mario Guajardo


Peder Undeli and Tobias Myrvoll

Assessing the Impact of NordLink on Day-Ahead Prices in NO2 and Germany: A Quantile Regression Approach

Supervisors: Endre Bjørndal, Mette Bjørndal and Isabel Montero Hovdahl


Lars Skaugen Strømholm and Raag August Sandal Rolfsen

Flexible hydrogen production: A comprehensive study on optimizing cost-efficient combinations of production and storage capacity to exploit electricity price fluctuations

Supervisors: Endre Bjørndal and Mette Bjørndal

Best Master Thesis

20 000

