Workshop in Advanced Empirical Asset Pricing (not offered)

FIN534 Workshop in Advanced Empirical Asset Pricing (not offered)

Spring 2025

  • Topics

    The workshop is based on recent research papers and the main topics will include the cross-section and time-series of stock returns, financial frictions, intermediary asset pricing, as well as uses of machine learning and textual analysis in finance. In addition, the students' own research papers in the general area of empirical asset pricing will be discussed.

    Participants will be introduced to the research frontier in empirical asset pricing by reading and discussing recent research papers. The workshop requires previous knowledge of the classic literature in empirical asset pricing, including a solid understanding of factor models, time-series and cross-sectional regressions, and the Generalized Method of Moments. The workshop has two main parts. In the first part, we will discuss recent research in empirical asset pricing. The goal is to give students an overview of what the current outstanding questions are in the field. The second part of the workshop is centered on student presentations of their own (preliminary) research. Each student will present their own research, which then will be discussed by the students and the lecturer. The goal here is to give each student valuable feedback on both the presentation itself and on the research project in a friendly environment.

    The workshop is aimed at dissertation-stage PhD students. Faculty participation is also welcome, including presentation (in the second part of the workshop) of own research to obtain feedback.

  • Learning outcome

    Knowledge - The candidate...

    • is in the forefront of knowledge within contemporary topics in empirical asset pricing
    • can evaluate the expediency and application of different methods and processes for conducting empirical research in this area
    • can contribute to the development of new knowledge, new theories and methods in empirical asset pricing

    Skills - The candidate...

    • can formulate problems, plan and carry out empirical research within the domain of empirical asset pricing
    • can carry out research and scholarly research work of a high international standard and be able to publish in international peer reviewed finance journals
    • can handle complex academic issues and challenge established knowledge in asset pricing

    Competence - The candidate...

    • can identify the marginal contribution of their research and carry out his/her research with scholarly integrity
    • can communicate research in empirical asset pricing and actively participate in debates in the field in national and international scholarly forums

  • Teaching

    The workshop will consist of a combination of lectures and discussion where participation in discussions are important for all workshop participants.

  • Recommended prerequisites

    PhD level course in asset pricing theory, PhD level course in econometrics or time-series statistics, introductory PhD level course in Empirical Asset Pricing.

  • Assessment

    Presentation of paper.


  • Grading Scale


  • Computer tools

    It is assumed that all interested students are facile with MatLab, Stata, etc.

  • Literature

    The workshop is based on selected articles from top-tier finance and economics journals, as well as recent notable working papers in empirical asset pricing.


ECTS Credits
Teaching language

Autumn. Not offered Autumn 2023.

Course responsible

Adjunct Professor Lars A. Løchstøer, UCLA Anderson School of Management