Value-creation by Design (not offered)

NBD409 Value-creation by Design (not offered)

Spring 2025

  • Topics

    • Business model innovation.
    • Service innovation challenges at the firm level.
    • Service innovation management with a focus on value creation, based on service dominant logic (service logic).
    • Service design and design thinking as driver for innovation.
    • Customer Journey Mapping to identify various touch points for excellent customer experiences.
    • Commercial issues pertaining to adopting innovations, e.g. overcoming resistance to adopt.

  • Learning outcome

    Knowledge - the candidate

    • Can apply a general understanding of service and service innovation and its role in creating value for customers.
    • Can apply knowledge of service innovation characteristics and service innovation challenges at the firm level seen through the eyes of customers, including business model innovation and service design thinking.

    Skills - the candidate

    • Is able to apply understanding from service innovation to the management of stimulating service innovations
    • Can apply design thinking, through exercises, in all stages of improving current services and developing new

    General competence - the candidate

    • Understands the fundamentals pertaining to customer value added
    • Sees design thinking as a natural part of value creation
    • Understands adoption processes and how to overcome resistance to adopt

  • Teaching

    Regular lecturers, use of cases to illustrate the theory, and pratical hands-on exercises where active student participation is expected and encouraged.

  • Recommended prerequisites

    An introduction to marketing or SOL2 Markedsføring course

  • Credit reduction due to overlap


  • Compulsory Activity


  • Assessment

    Assessment is based on a group term paper and peer evaluation (max 5 students per group) that will be developed throughout the term and graded afterwards at the end of the course.

    The mark given to the group term paper will count 60% towards your final mark, whereas the peer evaluation will count 40%.

    You will have to have a passing mark in both the group term paper and in the peer evaluation, in the same semester.

  • Grading Scale

    Grading scale A - F.

  • Computer tools

    The course homepage on Canvas provides students with updates and messages.

  • Literature

    Text book: "Competing Against Luck" Clayton M Christensen, Taddy Hall, Karen Dillon, and David S. Duncan, Harper Buisness, 2016.

    A collection of articles will be used.


ECTS Credits
Teaching language
Teaching Semester


Course responsible

Professor Tor W. Andreassen, Department of Strategy and Management.