The Economics of Fisheries Management II

ELE480 The Economics of Fisheries Management II

Spring 2025

  • Topics

    This will be a continuation of ENE479. Dynamic modelling will be introduced, and fisheries regulations studied in detail. The contribution of aquaculture to future food security will be studied. Topics will include:

    1. An introduction to the dynamic bioeconomic model of the fishery.
    2. Regulation of fisheries
    3. Quota, also known as catch rights based management.
    4. International fisheries management: bluefin tuna and the pelagic fisheries in the Norwegian Sea.
    5. New technologies in aquaculture.
    6. The contribution of fish to future food security.

  • Learning outcome


    Upon successful completion the student has

    • Basic knowledge of dynamic bioeconomic modelling.
    • Knowledge of the impact of incentives on resource management.
    • Knowledge about current and expected future status of salmon aquaculture.
    • Knowledge about the contribution of fish to food security.


    Upon successful completion the student

    • Can discuss resource management issues relating to fisheries and aquaculture
    • Can summarize and support arguments based on analytical knowledge in resource management, fisheries and aquaculture.
    • Will have a foundation for considering the future of aquaculture development.

    General competences

    Upon successful completion the student will have improved his/her

    • Analytical skills with regard to resource management, fisheries and aquaculture.
    • General knowledge of the impact of incentives
    • Industry knowledge 

  • Teaching

    One week intensive course with a two hour lecture every morning. The two hour afternoon sessions will vary from day to day: lectures, group work, guest lecture and/or excursion.

    Excursions and guest lectures

    • Bergen Fisheries Museum: guided tour.
    • Guest lecture by salmon farming executive
    • Visit to the Bergen fish auction for pelagic fish

  • Restricted access

    ELE480 is open for NOVA students attending the EEA grant funded Ocean School only.

    See (copy url) for more information

  • Credit reduction due to overlap


  • Compulsory Activity

    Submission of written assignment(s).

  • Assessment

    Written course paper, to be submitted individually or in groups of two.

  • Literature

    Lecture notes will largely be self sufficient, however, a reading list will also be provided.


ECTS Credits
Teaching language
Teaching Semester

Spring. Not offered spring 2025

Course responsible

Professor Trond Bjørndal, Centre for Applied Research