Sustainable Supply Chain

ENE435 Sustainable Supply Chain

Spring 2025

Autumn 2025
  • Topics

    Sustainability issues in supply chains can be challenging for organizations around the world. It can also present opportunities. The course will first be focusing on the management of climate change issues in the supply chain. With an emphasis on mitigation strategies, the course will study the application of renewable and alternative fuels throughout the supply chain including the different transportation modes and buildings (e.g., distribution centers). Life cycle thinking and assessment will permeate this first module. The second module will cover aspects of the circular economy by studying principles of eco-design, reverse supply chains, and end-of-life management. Finally, the course will present the challenges related to social aspects of sustainability in the supply chain including issues related to child labor, human rights, workers safety, and fair wages.


    • Life cycle assessment of different energy sources.
    • Transport decarbonization.
    • Energy efficiency in logistics.
    • Energy efficiency paradox.
    • Eco-design principles and implementation.
    • Reverse logistics.
    • End-of-life and waste management.
    • Human rights and fair wages in global supply chains.
    • Safety and working conditions in global supply chains.

  • Learning outcome

    Knowledge - upon successful completion the student can

    • Assess the life cycle environmental impact of different energy sources.
    • Compare different practices used in supply chains to address sustainability challenges.
    • Explain environmental and social issues in supply chains depending on the organization’s operating context.

    Skill - upon successful completion the student can

    • Compare different practices used in supply chains to address sustainability challenges.
    • Identify the strengths and weaknesses in the supply chain in developing solutions to sustainability challenges faced by the organizations.
    • Design a plan to implement sustainable solutions in the supply chains and in an organization’s operations.

    General competence - upon successful completion the student

    • Has developed analytical and reasoning skills.
    • Has developed collaboration skills.
    • Has developed writing and reporting skills.
    • Has developed presentation skills.

  • Teaching

    All classes in this course will be online (except for one). The course is taught through the discussion of cases and articles from the literature. The cases will be prepped by the students prior to the class. Readings associated with the cases topic and from the academic literature will also be assigned. Short lectures will complete each class.

    There will be one physical lecture to introduce relevant supply chain concepts and get to know the lecturer and the other students in the group.

  • Restricted access

    Up to 24 NHH students (and up to 24 HEC Montreal students).

    This course has restricted access. Apply within Monday in the first week of teaching (19-August 2024):

  • Credit reduction due to overlap


  • Compulsory Activity


  • Assessment

    • Team project and presentation: 30%
      • 4-6 students in each group, 50%-50% NHH-HEC. Students form groups and choose a topic by mid September.
        • Presentations in Week 47, each group gets a time slot on either Wednesday Nov 20 or Friday Nov 22. Project reports are also due in week 47. Presentations will be for about 12-15 minutes each. Report length indication 3000-5000 words.
    • Mid-term digital school exam, 3 hours: 35%. The mid-term exam date is in week 41, Wed Oct 9, 2024. Start 2:15pm, duration three hours.
    • Final digital school exam, 3 hours: 35%. The final exam date is in week 48, Wed Nov 27, 2024. Start 2:15pm, duration three hours.

  • Grading Scale


  • Literature

    Will be made available in Canvas/Leganto.

  • Permitted Support Material

    One bilingual dictionary (Category I)

    All in accordance with Supplementary provisions to the Regulations for Full-time Study Programmes at the Norwegian School of Economics Ch.4 Permitted support material


ECTS Credits
Teaching language
Teaching Semester

Autumn. Offered autumn 2024

Course responsible

Adjunct Professor Ruud Egging-Bratseth, Department of Business and Management Science.

Professor Pierre-Olivier Pineau, Department of Decision Sciences and Chair in Energy Sector Management, HEC Montreal.