The course is organized as flipped classroom where students read the course literature and complementary material assigned to each session before they show up at each session. We will offer an opening lecture. Thereafter, class time is used to work on group projects (4-6 students in each group - exceptions can be made). Student groups should preferably be created in the first week of the course. Each student group will apply theories and models from the course curriculum in their project work. The course responsible will in each session have a discussion with each group and supervise all groups while they are working on the course paper. The supervision of the groups will be physical.
Groups will write two course papers during the course. One paper on sustainable marketing in business-to-consumer markets and one paper on sustainable marketing in business-to-business markets.
The groups will receive written feedback on both papers, and they will have the opportunity to revise the papers based on the feedback before submitting the final version of the course papers.