Sustainable Energy

ENE425 Sustainable Energy

Autumn 2024

  • Topics

    The course contains 4 parts (or modules).

    I) Basic concepts: Sustainability, Energy, power, climate and costs.

    This part introduces the central concepts and discuss sustainability, climate impacts and cost estimates for energy systems (LCOE)

    II) Various Energy resources, technologies and cost

    The module discusses existing options for energy production based each resource, such as fossil fuels, nuclear, solar-, wind- and hydropower. The physical, technical and economic potential of each energy technology is discussed.

    III) Some aspects related to sustainable energy:

    The module contains central questions related to energy production, in particular energy storage, energy security, intermittency, smart grids and carbon capture.

    IV) Energy outlook - Europe and the World

    The final module discusses options for a future non-fossil energy supply in relation to resource, area and cost characteristics of each energy resource.

  • Learning outcome


    At the end of the course, the students will:

    • Understand central concepts within sustainability and energy.
    • Have basic knowledge of existing energy technologies and resources.
    • Have a basic understanding of options for future sustainable energy production regionally and global levels.


    The students will:

    • Learn to find information and to critically evaluate existing information about renewable energy technologies.
    • Be able to calculate power production and perform cost estimates related to various energy sources.
    • Be able to describe pros and cons of various energy supply options at regional and global level.

    General competence

    Upon successful completion of the course the student is able to:

    • Assess characteristics, challenges and limitations and costs related to modern and sustainable energy resources.
    • Describe the main challenges in transformation to a non-fossil society.

  • Teaching

    The teaching will be a combination of classroom lectures, flipped classroom, topical projects and exercises.

  • Credit reduction due to overlap


  • Compulsory Activity

    Approved project reports, in each of the 4 parts (or modules) of the course.

  • Assessment

    Digital school exam, 3 hours.

  • Grading Scale


  • Computer tools

    The app is developed by using Python, Flask, html and CSS, but it is not required any type of programming skills to complete that part of the course. The last year 44 students developed that application, and most of them do not have any programming skills.

  • Literature

    Narbel, Patrick A., Jan Petter Hansen and Jan R. Lien: Energy Technologies and Economics.

    Revised parts of this book will be made available to the students through Canvas.

  • Permitted Support Material


    One bilingual dictionary (Category I)

    All in accordance with Supplementary provisions to the Regulations for Full-time Study Programmes at the Norwegian School of Economics Ch.4 Permitted support material


ECTS Credits
Teaching language

Spring. Will be offered Spring 2024.

Course responsible

Adjunct Professor Jan Petter Hansen, Department of Business and Management Science.