Research for Brand Decisions

MBM400A Research for Brand Decisions

Spring 2025

Autumn 2025
  • Topics

    Good decisions require good information. Therefore, the course introduces basic marketing research principles to make sure that students are able to assess decision relevant information. Further, the course focuses on a couple of central brand decisions to improve the ability of students to request and analyze necessary information to improve marketing decisions involving the brand. Students will also be presented common research techniques used to inform brand decisions.


    Basic Marketing Research Principles.

    Presentations of Concepts and Research Techniques to Support Brand Decisions Involving:


    Factor Analysis.

  • Learning outcome

    Knowledge - upon successful completion the student

    • will know basic marketing research principles
    • will have some knowledge about central metrics useful for making brand decisions
    • will have an understanding of research processes and techniques

    Skills - upon successful completion the student can

    • define research problems and questions
    • develop research design relevant for answering research questions
    • assess and revise measurement of relevant concepts
    • apply relevant tools and techniques to solve brand research problems

    General competence - upon successful completion the student

    • can initiate and supervise marketing research processes
    • can evaluate information produced by market research
    • can plan and evaluate the research methodology approach for the master thesis

  • Teaching

    • Flipped classroom approach.
    • Group assignments.
    • Only a few plenary sessions.

  • Recommended prerequisites

    A basic background in statistics may come in handy. However, this is not a requirement.

  • Compulsory Activity

    • Quizzes.
    • Approval of group assignments.

  • Assessment

    One group term paper (15 pages). Group size 4-6 students.

  • Grading Scale


  • Computer tools

    None. Students will be presented some material in R.

  • Literature

    Students get access to the course material on Canvas. An alternative (but not required) to the available course material is the following text book:

    Dawn Lacobucci (2013): Marketing Models: Multivariate Statistics and Marketing Analytics, South-Western, Cengage Learning

  • Permitted Support Material

    No materials permitted for the multiple choice exam.

    One bilingual dictionary permitted.


ECTS Credits
Teaching language
Teaching Semester

Autumn. Offered autumn 2024.

Course responsible

Professor Einar Breivik, Department of Strategy and Management.