Lectures: The opening lecture will be physical in an auditorium. Thereafter, student groups will be supervised physically (in group rooms). You work in a group in this course (same group throughout the course). Group size should be between 4 - 6 students (exceptions can be made). Please note that student groups will be supervised physically only (group rooms at NHH).
Flipped classroom: The course is organized as a flipped classroom. I expect students to prepare for each of the group sessions (lectures) on the specified curriculum. This means that the students read a few articles on a topic. In addition, full text lecture notes will be available to clarify and explain the main topics in the articles.
Course paper: You will be working on the course paper (in group) - guided by the course responsible - throughout the course. The course responsible will meet with each of the groups once a week to supervise the course paper. Also, the groups will get written feed-back three times on the course paper during the course. The course paper should be written in English.