Norwegian Language III: Norwegian Business and Society

ELE426 Norwegian Language III: Norwegian Business and Society

Spring 2025

  • Topics

    ELE426 is the third course in Norwegian language. The course builds on Nor11 and Nor10, and emphasizes how you can communicate well in Norwegian in professional settings. Norwegian business, economy and society is examined through authentical and pedagogical texts. We discuss perspectives on sustainability with regards to the topics. The classes are highly student active and builds on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) with regards to student learning activities and assessment. The students should reach B1 in the course of the semester.

    Level: B1

  • Learning outcome

    Upon successful completion, you:


    • have a broad insight into and an understanding of the Norwegian society
    • have an understanding of Norwegian business
    • have insights into Norwegian demography and politics
    • understand Norwegian cultural codes


    • have good practical knowledge of the Norwegian language with emphasis on language use in professional settings.
    • can present a case and argue for it using good and suitable language

    General competences

    • are able to communicate in written and spoken Norwegian in most contexts and you can adapt the language to the contexts it is used in
    • have acquired intercultural competence and understand different cultural codes

  • Teaching

    The course is focused on student-active learning. The lectures are a combination of presentations, group work, exercises and presentations, individual oral and written practice, as well as conversation classes.

    Oral participation is a very important part of the course and active participation is a prerequisite.

  • Restricted access

    This course is reserved for students with limited knowledge of the Norwegian language (see prerequisite knowledge). Students with Norwegian as mother-tongue or Norwegian as a second language will not be accepted to the course.

  • Required prerequisites

    NOR11 or equivalent knowledge (corresponding to level A2 in CEFR)

  • Compulsory Activity

    The topic of the term paper must be approved by the course responsible.

    A draft version of the term paper must be submitted within a given deadline.

    The students must choose a book or a compilation of texts that will be presented in the oral exam. This must be approved by the course responsible within a given deadline.

    The students must do an oral presentation of a topic they choose, related to Norwegian business, society or culture.

    Course approval is only valid for the semester it has been obtained.

  • Assessment

    The final assessment consists of two parts: a portfolio and an oral exam.

    Portfolio (50%): Scale A-F

    The portfolio consists of two texts:

    1. One term paper on a topic of your own choice, but related to Norwegian society and business, about 1400 words.

    2. One reflection note related to the language learning process and the development of the term paper.

    The written assignments must be handed in at the dates specified at the start of the semester. The portfolio is given one grade.

    Oral exam (50%): Scale A-F

    The oral exam consists of three parts, with approximately 10 minutes for each part.

    The candidate has read a given book or collection of texts, that he or she must present and be ready to discuss. The candidate must reflect upon the topic for the term paper, the sources used and the writing process. The last 10 minutes is a conversation about topics related to the course.

    The portfolio and the oral exam are given separate grades. Both must be passed in the same semester. A retake implies submitting both parts again.

  • Grading Scale


  • Literature

    Mandatory litterature

    Published in Leganto

    Recommended litterature

    Published in Laganto


ECTS Credits
Teaching language
Teaching Semester

Autumn. Offered autumn 2024

Course responsible

Lecturer Kari Johanne Oma, Department of Professional and Intercultural Communication.