Maritime History and Economics (replaced by FOR18)

SAM18 Maritime History and Economics (replaced by FOR18)

Spring 2025

  • Topics

    This is an applied course, where maritime history and theories from maritime economics are used to shed light upon the current state and future development of the shipping industry. Some of the topics are factual, for instance maritime history in a long-term perspective, the shipping industry today, market segments, maritime policy and regulation and the Norwegian maritime industry. At the same time the course has a theoretical aspect, where we deal with things such as shipping costs and revenues, the four markets of shipping, shipping cycles and shipping risk.

  • Learning outcome

    The main objective of the course is to give students a broad knowledge of the history and mechanisms of the international shipping industry. This includes the importance of the industry in the world economy, the economic aspects of the industry, policy and environmental issues and the main challenges facing shipping companies.


    At the end of the course students will have;

    • broad knowledge of the international shipping industry
    • knowledge on research and development work in the fields of maritime history and maritime economics


    At the end of the course students will;

    • be able to present the main markets for ships and shipping services
    • be able to reflect upon the challenges facing shipping companies
    • be able to find, evaluate and refer to information and scholarly subject matter and present it in a manner that sheds light on the mechanisms of this industry
    • masters relevant theoretical approaches to shipping

    General competence

    At the end of the course students;

    • will have insight into the driving forces in the shipping industry - both today and historically
    • can communicate important aspects of the shipping industry (theories, problems and solutions), both in writing and orally
    • can exchange opinions and experiences with others with a background in the field, thereby contributing to the development of good practice
    • will have competence in new thinking and innovation processes, including economic, political and ethical issues relevant to shipping

  • Teaching

    Lectures, assignments, group work, excursion, industry visit.

    Please note that due to the corona situation, there will be no industry visit. The excursion to the museum will be conducted in smaller groups, and there will be an alternative for those that can not attend. There is a 25 person capacity limit in the lecture theatre, so students will have to sign up to lectures in advance.

    We will take advantage of the digital learning platform that has been made for the textbook (, and students are expected to register there.

  • Recommended prerequisites

    There are no requirements regarding previous courses, but students are expected to have some knowledge of the main theories and concepts in business and economics. It is therefore suggested that students do not take this in their first semester unless they have such knowledge.

  • Required prerequisites


  • Compulsory Activity

    Two short individual assignments and group term paper/ presentation.

    Due to the corona situation, and the partial transfer to a digital platform, there will be additional requirements autumn 2020. Every week, students will be given one "smallish" piece of homework, which should take approximately 45 minutes to do properly. This can be commenting upon an article from the press, discussion of terms or segments, applying theory to real life situations, reflection pieces, etc. Students will have to complete - on time (ie during the specific week) - at least six of the ten pieces of homework.

  • Assessment

    Individual oral exam.

    Duration: 15 minutes.

    If necessary, the exam will be conducted via Skype/ Zoom/ Teams or similar arrangements.

  • Grading Scale

    Grading scale A - F.

  • Computer tools

    None, though students are encouraged to bring a smartphone, laptop or tablet to class.

  • Literature

    Stopford, Martin (2009) Maritime Economics, 3rd edition, London, Routledge (selected chapters - see lecture plan).

    In addition, material provided in lectures and via it's learning (lecture notes, lecture slides, newspaper articles, supplementary literature, etc.) and the term papers are required reading.


ECTS Credits
Teaching language
Teaching Semester

Expired. Replace by FOR18

Course responsible

Professor Stig Tenold, Department of Economics.