Managing Change and Innovation

STR460 Managing Change and Innovation

Spring 2025

Autumn 2025
  • Topics

    The rate of change in the external environment has triggered the emergence of new competitors and business models, pushing well-established firms to renew themselves. In this case-based course, we draw on research to discuss how to implement radical change and innovation in established firms. This includes strategies aiming for renewal, innovation and sustainability. Change and innovation can be particularly challenging in established firms due to legacy as well as structural and cultural inertia. Another well-known challenge has to do with balancing time and resources spent on delivering on current business with innovation and renewal. Through case discussions students gain hands-on practical experience with various aspects of organizing and managing the transformation process. Themes include: setting up structures and processes that enable change and innovation, understanding reactions to change and innovation, mobilizing support and managing stakeholders, orchestrating external partnerships, handling unforeseen events, moving the organization in a more sustainable direction in terms of its products/services and operations, and developing capacity for radical change and innovation.

  • Learning outcome

    Knowledge - upon successful completion the student

    • can demonstrate knowledge and understanding of central themes within strategic change and innovation
    • can demonstrate an understanding of research-based knowledge on strategic change and innovation processes
    • can demonstrate an understanding of sustainable ways of managing change, as well as how to implement change/innovation aiming for sustainability
    • has a critical and reflective approach to understanding transition processes at group and organizational level
    • can demonstrate a reflective approach to real-life strategic change and innovation processes

    Skills - upon successful completion the student can

    • apply research-based models and theories to analyse strategic change and innovation processes
    • reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of their own analysis
    • organize and plan strategic change and innovation in an organization
    • make research-based suggestions on how to manage strategic change and innovation, including changes related to becoming more sustainable

    General competence - upon successful completion the student can

    • understand and communicate different approaches to strategic change and innovation
    • understand and communicate different reactions to strategic change and innovation
    • understand and explain path dependencies and process dynamics
    • engage in a meaningful and reflective dialogue with industry/practitioners on strategic change, including changes related to becoming more sustainable

  • Teaching

    Classes are based on student-active learning and consist of case discussions and role play. We will also use video-based lectures to present the theory. Students are expected to view videos and read cases in preparation for class. In class sessions, students are expected to actively contribute and participate in discussions and exercises.

  • Restricted access

    This course have now been opened for registreration in Studentweb

  • Recommended prerequisites

    Students will benefit from having an introductory strategy course with knowledge of strategic analyses and strategic choices.

  • Compulsory Activity

    The pedagogical approach requires active student participation. Minimum 80% class attendance is therefore required for fulfillment of compulsory activities (work requirements).

    All students must hand in one case analysis (group work).

  • Assessment

    Case-based individual home exam, eight hours, between 08:00 and 16:00 on the exam day. Exact time can be adjusted based on NHH Exam Office criteria. Maximum 10 pages.

  • Grading Scale


  • Literature

    Meyer, Stensaker, Bjerke, Haueng 2023 Innovation Capacity, Fagbokforlaget

    List of articles and cases will be available on Leganto prior to course start.

    Recommended background reading:

    Balogun, J. Hope Hailey, V. and Gustafsson, S. 2016. Exploring Strategic Change. 4th ed. Pearson


ECTS Credits
Teaching language
Teaching Semester

Autumn. Offered autumn 2024

Course responsible

Professor Inger G. Stensaker, Department of Strategy and Management