Management of the Procurement Function

BUS467 Management of the Procurement Function

Spring 2025

  • Learning outcome

    In this course, students are introduced to the purchasing function as well as procurement and contract management.


    After completing the course, students will:

    • Have deep professional knowledge in procurement management.
    • Be familiar with the use of digital tools as a basis for decision-making in strategic procurement work.
    • Understand how external factors such as market structure and internal factors such as the organization's structure influence a company's procurement strategy.
    • Understand when and how various tools like bonuses, options, and guarantees can be used to provide incentives to suppliers.
    • Have insight into basic contract law and procurement regulations in Norway and the EU.
    • Understand key procurement theories.
    • Understand the importance of procurement activities for the organization.


    After completing the course, students can:

    • Contribute to the development of procurement processes.
    • Handle complex procurement-related issues and challenge established knowledge and practices within procurement management.


    After completing the course, students can:

    • Reflect on different sourcing and procurement strategies and evaluate their usefulness in specific cases.
    • Reflect on how the company's procurement of goods and services can impact the company's triple bottom line.


ECTS Credits