Macroeconomic Analysis and Sustainability

FIE421 Macroeconomic Analysis and Sustainability

Spring 2025

  • Topics

    In Norway, as well as any other economy in today's globalised world, important issues that take centre stage in the economic policy debate include economic growth, the sustainability of the social security system, intergenerational redistribution, and the challenges related to climate change, energy production and sustainability. This course deals with these issues and provides both analytical skills and applied insights necessary for the understanding and analysis of the macroeconomic developments in the years to come.

  • Learning outcome

    Upon completion of the course, the student can:


    • outline the long-term developments and challenges in the Norwegian and other developed economies
    • discuss and contrast various solutions to long-term challenges, in particular global warming, energy production and sustainability
    • understand the drivers of economic growth, and evaluate the impact of economic policies on growth


    • apply intertemporal macroeconomic models to analyse the long-term developments in an economy
    • discuss growth models and analyse the drivers of economic growth
    • analyse the trade-offs involved in the intergenerational redistribution of tax-burdens and welfare 
    • evaluate the sustainability of the social security system
    • discuss the recent academic literature related to the course

    General competence

    • communicate the key issues concerning long-term economic developments 
    • discuss whether current economic policy is suited to deal with long-term challenges

  • Teaching

    The course consists of plenary lectures and guest lectures.

  • Required prerequisites

    Basic knowledge in macroeconomics, finance and quantitative methods from the bachelor program.

  • Compulsory Activity

    Two written assignments. Students must pass both assignments.

  • Assessment

    Individual pen and paper written school exam.

    Duration: 4 hours. 

    Language: English.

  • Grading Scale


  • Literature

    Selected chapters from various textbooks and scientific papers. A full reading list will be announced at the beginning of the course.

  • Permitted Support Material


    One bilingual dictionary (Category I)

    All in accordance with Supplementary provisions to the Regulations for Full-time Study Programmes at the Norwegian School of Economics Ch.4 Permitted support material


ECTS Credits
Teaching language
Teaching Semester

Spring. Offered spring 2025.

Course responsible

Assistant Professor Markus Karlman, Department of Economics (main course responsible).

Associate Professor II Birger Vikøren, Department of Economics.