International Fisheries and Aquaculture Management

ENE482 International Fisheries and Aquaculture Management

Spring 2025

  • Topics

    The course will give an introduction to dynamic modelling, and fisheries regulations studied in detail. The contribution of aquaculture to future food security will be studied. Topics include:

    • An introduction to the dynamic bioeconomic model of the fishery.
    • Regulation of fisheries.
    • Quota / catch rights based management.
    • Game theoretic approaches to the management of high seas fisheries.
    • New technologies in aquaculture.
    • The contribution of aquaculture to future feed security.
    • Governance and aquaculture development.

    Sustainability will be an integral part of the course. For fisheries, it will be considered how management can achieve sustainable resource use.

    For aquaculture, economic, social and environmental sustainability will be addressed.

    This course can be taken independently of ENE479.

  • Learning outcome


    Upon successful completion the student has

    • Basic knowledge of dynamic bioeconomic modelling.
    • Knowledge of the impact of incentives on resource management.
    • Knowledge about current and expected future status of salmon aquaculture.
    • Knowledge about the contribution of fish to food security.


    Upon successful completion the student

    • Can discuss resource management issues relating to fisheries and aquaculture.
    • Can summarize and support arguments based on analytical knowledge in resource management, fisheries and aquaculture.
    • Can apply concepts of sustainability when it comes to the management of fisheries and aquaculture.
    • Will have a foundation for considering the future of aquaculture development.

    General competence

    Upon successful completion the student will have improved his/her

    • Analytical skills with regard to resource management, fisheries and aquaculture.
    • General knowledge of the impact of incentives.
    • Industry knowledge.

  • Teaching

    One week intensive course with two hour lecture every morning and afternoon. Most sessions will be lectures, but there will also be guest lectures, and possibly a visit to an industry association in Bergen.

    Excursions and guest lectures

    • Possibly a visit to an industry association in Bergen.
    • On or two guest lectures by salmon farming/fisheries executive.

  • Credit reduction due to overlap


  • Compulsory Activity

    Attendance in class (minimum 60% of the lectures)

    Submission of written assignment, individually or in a group of two. Topic must be approved by the instructor.

  • Assessment

    Written course paper, to be submitted individually or in groups of two.

  • Grading Scale


  • Literature

    • Bjørndal, T. and G. R. Munro (2012). The Economics and Management of World Fisheries. Oxford University Press. Selected chapters.
    • Lecture notes.
    • A reading list will be provided.


ECTS Credits
Teaching language
Teaching Semester

Spring. Offered spring 2025 (last week of the semester).

Course responsible

Professor Trond Bjørndal, Centre for Applied Research