Experimental Methods in Business and Economics

SAM22 Experimental Methods in Business and Economics

Spring 2025

  • Topics

    Experimental methods have become dominant ways of learning and improving both economic policies and business practices. 

    The course introduces the students to experimental methods, with applications to economics and business cases. 

    We will cover the theory behind experimental methods and will learn how to use the methods to answer specific questions. Students will learn how to design and analyse an experiment. By the end of the course they will be equipped with one of the most powerful tools of quantitative methods. 

  • Learning outcome

    Upon completion of the course, the student can:  


    • Explain what experimental methods are.
    • Summarise the assumptions upon which the methods are based.
    • Outline what is required to design, conduct and analyse an experiment.
    • Discuss the pros and cons of the experimental approach to answer a specific question.


    • Design and analyse an experiment.
    • Present an experimental design and the results of an experiment.

    General competence

    • Work in groups to design and implement experimental projects.
    • Present the results of a study.
    • Read and criticise the scientific literature in economics and the way businesses test new policies. 

  • Teaching

    The course consist of lectures, student presentations and group assignments. 

  • Recommended prerequisites

    We recommend that the students have followed a course in basic statistics and econometrics (linear regression).

  • Credit reduction due to overlap


  • Compulsory Activity

    The design of experiment I, done in groups of 3-4 students.

  • Assessment

    The assessment is based on: 

    a) 4 hour home exam, done individually (75%),  

    b) Assignment: the analysis of an experiment II, done in groups of 3-4 students (25%). The assignment of experiment II will be available after experiment I. Submission deadline will be at the end of the semester.

    The exam and the assignment must be written in English.  

    An assessment in SAM22 will not be organised in the the non-teaching semester. As of autumn 2023, only mandatory bachelor courses with an individual assessment will have an assessment in the non-teaching semester. This only applies to students with a valid course approval. The retake options that apply at all times are decided by the dean for the bachelor program and will be published in the course description.

  • Grading Scale


  • Computer tools


  • Literature

    Lecture notes and selected articles. 


ECTS Credits
Teaching language
Teaching Semester

Spring. Not offered spring 2025.

Course responsible

Associate Professor, Samuel Hirshman, Department of Economics 

Professor, Vincent Somville, Department of Economics (main course responsible)