Deep-sea mineral resources

ENE477 Deep-sea mineral resources

Spring 2025

  • Topics

    This course combines lectures, group discussions, and hands-on workshops to explore the possibilities within deep-sea mining. Led by seasoned professionals from both industry and academia, the lectures offer a broad overview of key aspects, spanning geology, technology, economics, environment, and policy. Participants will gain hands-on experience with cost-benefit analysis and report-writing through group work and workshops. The course is designed to deliver a comprehensive and engaging learning experience, ensuring students acquire a well-rounded understanding of the subject.

    Specifically, the course will cover:

    • The role of minerals and metals in society today
    • The motivations for deep-sea mining
    • Regulatory frameworks and processes
    • Types of deep-sea mineral deposits
    • Basics of exploration, extraction, and processing of deep-sea minerals
    • Environmental risks of deep-sea mining
    • Cost-benefit analysis

  • Learning outcome


    Upon successful completion the student

    • is familiar with the role of minerals and metals in society today
    • knows why deep-sea minerals are considered for extraction
    • is familiar with the relevant regulatory frameworks and processes
    • is familiar with different types of deep-sea mineral deposits
    • knows the basics of exploration, extraction, and processing of deep-sea minerals
    • is familiar with the environmental risks of deep-sea mining
    • knows the components of cost-benefit analysis
    • knows the value and limitations of cost-benefit analysis in uncertain and unknown domains


    Upon successful completion the student

    • can conduct cost-benefit analysis
    • can write cost-benefit reports
    • can work efficiently in teams under time constraints

    General competence

    Upon successful completion the student

    • has insight into the opportunities and challenges of deep-sea mining
    • has practice in applied cost-benefit analysis
    • has practice with problem-identification, problem-solving and critical thinking
    • has practice with collaboration, communication, and time management
    • can communicate analyses, findings, and limitations in written reports

  • Teaching

    One week-long intensive course with lectures and workshop sessions. Learning-by-doing oriented teaching.

  • Credit reduction due to overlap


  • Compulsory Activity


  • Assessment

    Group project report. Students will work in groups of (approximately) 3-4, for 4 weeks (starting in the teaching week).

  • Grading Scale


  • Literature

    Lecture notes, selected reports, selected scientific articles.


ECTS Credits
Teaching language
Teaching Semester

Spring. Not offered spring 2025

Course responsible

Adjunct Assistant Professor Rasmus Noss Bang, Department of Business and Management Science.