The course is built around the following three main topics:
(i) Financial strategy: capital structure, dividend policy, issuing of securities
(ii) Valuation and value creation: Discounted cash flow techniques, Interaction of financing and investment decisions.
(iii) Options in corporate finance: real options, equity and debt as options, convertible debt
The first part of the course covers various theories that trade off the costs and benefits for a firm of choosing between debt and equity financing. We will come up with a framework of an optimal capital structure and payout policy. In addition, students will gain an understanding of and institutional knowledge in the area of equity and debt issues. The second part of the course will look at the interaction between capital structure and valuation. We will cover valuation techniques that incorporate financial side-effects, such as Adjusted Present Value (APV), Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), and the Flow-to-Equity. The third part of the course focuses on the role of options for corporate finance. We will consider the consequences of viewing debt and equity as options. In addition we will consider the valuation of investment projects with embedded real options. Finally, we will cover various specialized topics, including mergers and acquisitions and project finance.