CEMSBP CEMS Business Project
Spring 2025
The CEMS Business Projects are consultancy-like projects designed as a real-life learning experience for students. International student teams solve a real business challenge presented by the corporate or social partner company. Project findings can add value for the company and impact positively on future business operations.
The CEMS Business Projects include a wide range of topics on various pressing business challenges, such as sustainability, digitalisation, international expansion, innovative business models and new forms of collaboration. The aim is to ensure that the business projects appeal to the interest of students of varied backgrounds. Topics are also relevant to NHH's course offerings.
Learning outcome
The CEMS Business Project constitutes an important part of the CEMS Master in International Management (CEMS MIM) programme, and contribute to the overall Learning Objectives of CEMS MIM:
- Internationalism: Our graduates are knowledgeable international business practitioners, able to execute effective business decision-making in diverse contexts.
- Business-embeddedness: Our graduates apply advanced management and leadership competencies developed through systematic experience of and engagement with the corporate world.
- Responsible citizenship: Our graduates champion a holistic vision of responsible business decision-making, leadership and citizenship, informed by ethical reasoning, personal integrity, and respect for social diversity.
- Reflective critical thinking: Our graduates are confident, agile, and reflective decision-makers and problem-solvers, able to formulate and apply innovative solutions to complex business challenges.
- Comprehensive leadership: Our graduates are fully aware of their personal responsibility and accountability and of the ethical and cultural frameworks in which leadership is exerted.
In addition to contributing to the overall learning objectives of CEMS MIM, the business projects also enhance the students understanding of:
- consultancy projects
- project management
- team processes and your own individual role in teams
The CEMS Business Project is not made up of regular coursework, however it is mandatory for students to attend the following activities during the semester:
- Kick-Off / Business Project Partners presentations day
- Clarification meeting with corporate and academic mentors
- Mid-term report meeting with corporate and academic mentors
- Final student presentations day
Students receive access to project outlines before attending the Kick-Off / Business Project Partners presentations day. Following the event students are asked to submit their top five preferences for the projects they wish to work on. Students are allocated to teams and projects based on their preferences and on the suitability for the project, i.e. relevant work experience, studies and interests. CEMS criteria for group allocations is also an important consideration.
Each project is assigned both a Corporate/Social partner Mentor and Academic Mentor. The project teams correspond with and meet with designated Corporate/Social partner Mentors on a number of occasions throughout the duration of the project to ensure that the group tasks stated in the project outline are progressing as requested. In addition, each project team is assigned an Academic Mentor. The role of the Academic Mentor is to guide the students in terms of direction and to supervise and give feedback on their work on their final project report.
Restricted access
CEMS Business Projects are only open for CEMS students.
Recommended prerequisites
Not applicable.
Required prerequisites
Not applicable.
Compulsory Activity
There are three deliverables that together count towards the course approval.
- Team contract (submitted as a group).
- First round of peer evaluations (submitted individually).
- Second round of peer evaluations (submitted individually).
The final grade consists of two parts:
- Group-based final project report (counts for 80% of the grade). The students within each team receive a common grade.
- Individually-written reflection essay (counts for 20% of the grade).
Grading Scale
Grading scale A-F.
- ECTS Credits
- 15
- Teaching language
- English
- Teaching Semester
Spring. Offered spring 2025.
Course responsible
Associate professor Tina Saebi, Academic coordinator for CEMS Business Projects