Business Model Innovation in the Digital Era

NBD407 Business Model Innovation in the Digital Era

Spring 2025

  • Topics

    What do Amazon, Netflix, and Vipps have in common? The success of these companies did not come because of a new technology or a new product they invented. Instead, they built their success on designing an innovative business model by redefining the traditional ways of creating, delivering and capturing value. If done successfully, the result of such business model innovation can redefine the "rules of the game" and in some cases disrupt entire industries.

    Business model innovation in established firms involves changing the fundamental logic of how the firm does business and the value it creates for customers. While most established firms may not have such innovative ambitions, rapid market change, technological disruption, and unexpected competition pushes firms to rethink their traditional business models. This includes choices of how they can create, deliver, communicate, and capture value in a digital economy.

    But what are the factors that contribute to successful business model innovation in the digital era? How can managers of an established company assess when it is time to change their business model and which direction they should take? To answer these questions, we need to develop a good understanding of the nexus between business models, digitalization, and innovation - and how to apply it in practice.

  • Learning outcome

    Upon completing this course, you will have:

    Gained knowledge of:

    • the most recent research in the field of business model innovation
    • trends that are disrupting different industries and how these require new business models (e.g., the sharing economy, disruptive innovation, digitalization,)

    Gained skills in ways to:

    • design, adapt and innovate a business model
    • identify the facilitators and barriers to business model innovation in established companies
    • balance the need for commercial versus social value creation in designing a business model
    • propose a new and feasible business model for an existing company

    Gained general competence in:

    • advanced research ability, problem-solving, and critical reflection
    • planning and executing project work in an international team during the length of the semester
    • communicate findings of the project in a clear and engaging manner

  • Teaching

    The course will consist of a combination of lectures, team presentations, guest lectures and case discussions.

  • Restricted access

    Limit on number students: 60

  • Compulsory Activity

    Students will be expected to be prepared for, and be active, in-class discussions, including team presentations, assignments, and discussion of case material. Class attendance is therefore mandatory (an absence from three lectures will result in having to write an essay and an absence of four lectures in being excluded from the course). In addition to regular attendance, all students must be involved in their team presentations and term paper.

  • Assessment

    Group term paper 50% (groups of 3-5)

    Individual written home exam (3 hours) 50%

    All submissions (term paper and exam) must be written in English.

  • Grading Scale

    Grading scale A - F

  • Literature

    The reading list includes a collection of articles and cases that will be made available online for the students to download.


ECTS Credits
Teaching language
Teaching Semester


Course responsible

Lecturer Magne Angelshaug, Department of Strategy and Management.