Brand Management

MBM402B Brand Management

Spring 2025

  • Topics

    Brands are valuable assets that can provide firms with long-lasting competitive advantage. How to  build, measure, and manage brand equity over time is the central theme of this course. The first part of the course focuses on the two sources of brand equity; brand awareness and brand associations. 

    The following topics will be covered in the course:

    • Brand Equity (Conceptualizations and measurement)
    • Brand Awareness
    • Brand Associations
    • Brand Positioning
    • Corporate Social Responsibility
    • Brand Trust
    • Brand Extensions
    • Strategies for leveraging secondary brand associations (alliances, sponsorships, endorsements, etc.)
    • Brand Architecture

  • Learning outcome

    After completing the course the candidate:


    • Has advanced knowledge of the components of brand equity.
    • Has an understanding of the sources and consequences of brand equity.
    • Has knowledge of methodological approaches for measuring brand equity.
    • Has up-to-date knowledge of contemporary concepts, such as brand experience and brand engagement.
    • Has knowledge of strategies for leveraging secondary brand associations.
    • Has knowledge of brand architecture and brand extension strategies.


    • Can conduct analyses to develop a brand positioning strategy.
    • Can use theory to develop plans for tactical brand positioning.
    • Can analyze practical cases for leveraging secondary brand associations and make suggestions for improvements.
    • Can communicate (orally and in academic writing) theoretical and practical branding issues and strategies.  

    General competence

    • Can apply theory on practical branding issues.
    • Can analyze practical branding issues in the field.
    • Can communicate about academic issues, both with branding specialists and the general public.

  • Teaching

    The course has a combination of plenary lectures and small group-based supervision sessions (physical). There will be no recording.

  • Recommended prerequisites

    Basic knowledge about marketing and consumer behavior. We recommend students to take the course in Consumer Behavior prior to the course in Brand Management, but that is not a formal requirement.

  • Compulsory Activity


  • Assessment

    Group-based term-paper. The group size is limited to 3-6 students. If the course has more than 80 students enrolled, a maximum of 7 members will be accepted.

    The grading in this course is based on the following two components:

    1. The written term paper counts 60 percent of the grade and
    2. The oral presentation and defense counts 40 percent of the grade.

    A finale grade will be given to the group as a whole. 

  • Grading Scale

    Grading scale A - F.

  • Computer tools


  • Literature

    Course book: Keller, K.L. (2020). Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring and Managing Brand Equity. Fifth Edition.

    Selected articles posted in Leganto


ECTS Credits
Teaching language
Teaching Semester

Spring. Will be offered spring 2025.

Course responsible

Professor Leif E. Hem, Department of Strategy and Management.