A personal mentor for half a year!

A personal mentor for half a year!

NHH’s Mentoring Programme for Masterstudents 2024/25.

The mentoring programme at Norwegian School of Economics is a unique opportunity for master students.

Apply by 15 September 2024

It is available for all master students following courses in the 2023/24 academic year. This includes international students registered for both semesters.

In the mentoring programme NHH will team up a master student and an NHH-alumn who will follow each other through dialogue and meetings on a regular basis through two semesters.

Each pair of student and mentor decides frequency and format of their meetings. It is the student that decides which topics you want to discuss with your mentor. The mentor shall provide guidance and support you in your professional development, but it is not the mentors task to define neither agenda nor topics and goals for the mentoring.

The mentoring programme has both physical and digital seminars for all participants. You will receive useful tools and methods during these seminars provided by the consultancy agency AFF and NHH. The seminars will be in English.

Through talks and seminars an experienced alumn will guide you about career and work life questions. How do find a good work-life balance? Do you want to be an entrepreneur and start your own company or work in a large corporation? You can discuss job application and train for interviews with your mentor.

Why do alumni sign up as mentors?

For quite a few mentors it is a sign of gratitude and a desire to give back to NHH. They are also motivated by an arena to interact with students and get perspectives from a younger generation.  This way the mentoring programme also provide new insight for experienced managers. Some see the mentoring programme as a useful part of their management training.

Who can participate?

The mentoring programme is developed for master students at NHH. It is required that you are a registered student both in the autumn semester 2023 and the spring semester 2024. You should be present at NHH during the autumn, but you may participate digitally in the spring if you participate in an exchange programme at a university abroad.

The mentor should have at least one year of work experience after graduation.

The pairs are teamed up by a set of criteria.  The match between the students request for a certain field or an industry background and the competence profile of the mentor is the most important criteria.

Student Master Class / AFF

24.09.24        17.00-20.00



Mentor Master Class / AFF

25.09.24        19.00–21.00

Digital - Zoom



3.10.24         14.00–20.00



Midterm seminar 1

12.11.24       9.00–21.00

Digital - Zoom


Midterm seminar 2

5.02.25        19.00–21.00



Midterm seminar 2

5.02.25        19.00–21.00

Digital - Zoom


Final seminar




Digital and physical seminars

Some of the seminars will be digital. You may participate any location provided you have sufficient internet connection and limited disturbance. A location with other people and activities present is not recommended.

We recommend participation on campus at all physical seminars. Meeting in person provides a better frame for the mentoring process, especially in the initial phase. It will also be a benefit for later digital meetings if you have met in person initially.

Even though we recommend physical participation we also allow digital participation for mentors because we recruit mentor with interesting backgrounds that cannot participate on campus. We’ve previously had mentors from Boston, Houston, London and Zürich among other places. 

Kick-off and final seminar

Both these seminars will have a social event after the professional event.

The professional event will take place from 14.00 – 17.00. The social event will be a joint meal on campus.
