Internal funds

Internal funds

Returns from NHH's two internal funds are used to back activities that contribute to fulfilling NHH's strategic goals.

NHH's two internal funds are:

  • NHHs fond til forskning og høyskolens beste
  • NHHs fond for utdeling av stipend/reisestipend

The application deadlines for grants from internal funds are 1 February, 1 May and 1 October. 

Please note: Applicants must comply with their department's internal application deadline, which are set earlier than the funds deadline.


Awards can primarily be made for the following purposes:

Initiatives that stimulate research and the dissemination of research, including:

  • periods of study at recognised foreign universities
  • participation at scientific conferences

Events which promote NHH in a positive manner, including:

  • professional events and activities initiated by departments or employees
  • professional events arranged by students, e.g. conferences
  • social events and activities aimed at everyone, groups of employees or large groups of students


Applications from academic staff at NHH must be sent to the relevant departments, which will draw up a list based on order of priority. The lists are then submitted to the Funds Committee, which decides awards.

Applications relating to student events are coordinated by the Student Union at NHH (NHHS), and the head of financial affairs submits a complete prioritised list to the Funds Committee for decision.

To fill out the application and report PDF-forms directly in your browser, please use Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Opera.

The Mozilla Firefox browser does not support active PDF-forms.

Please contact the funds secretary if you have questions.