Women in academic positions
NHH makes targeted efforts to increase the proportion of women among the academic staff.
The proportion of female professors is still low. The ambition set for the number of female professors, both permanent and adjunct positions, is demanding to achieve, and determined efforts are made in these categories.

More information on the DBH website (database for statistics on higher education)
The gender perspective
Gender perspectives in research improve the quality of research in a number of areas.
The Research Council of Norway and EU/Horizon 2020 emphasise gender perspectives when considering applications. This represents both major opportunities and challenges for the research communities.
NHH works to increasingly include gender perspectives in its research. Faculty can receive support from the Office of Research Administration.
See an example of how gender perspectives can contribute to higher research quality (internal link)
Women in academic positions
Download overview of female faculty at NHH's departments
The overview was last updated 15 january 2025.