Gender equality at NHH
NHH shall improve its work on gender equality. This is a precondition to ensure that NHH succeeds in strengthening both its national and international position.
A key challenge for NHH is to recruit and retain talented women. Active work on gender equality underpins NHH’s mission statement ‘Together for sustainable value creation’.
- All female postdoctoral researchers and associate professors are awarded an annual stipend of NOK 25,000 for further qualification. The time period is up to three years, with an option to apply for prolongation.
- All women in associate professor positions will earn the first two years of research leave in half the normal time.
- All women in academic positions can receive a grant of up to NOK 40,000 per year to attend recognised conferences, workshops and similar events.
- Employees can receive support for extra journeys home if the research stay is of a longer duration and the grounds are related to their family situation.
The heads of department are responsible for gender equality in their department and make up the gender equality team at NHH together with NHH’s Gender Equality Advisor and the Vice-Rector for Faculty Management.
The gender equality team will be a driving force and an inspiration by contributing to strategic discussions and objectives, as well as coordinating the work towards gender equality at NHH.
The team must stay up to date on practices in the higher education sector in general and at NHH in particular, and has overall responsibility for implementing the action plan.
NHH’s Gender Equality Advisor coordinates the school’s equality work and is responsible, in consultation with the gender
equality team and the management at NHH, for the follow-up and evaluation of the ‘Action Plan for Improved Gender Equality in Academic Positions.
’The Equality Advisor is the secretary of the equality team.
The Board annually allocates funds for central and local gender equality work. From these, funds are set aside and can be applied for once a year by the academic groups.
On top of this come any external funds, e.g. through projects that are part of the Research Council’s BALANSE programme on gender balance in senior positions and research management.
gender Equality Seminars
NHH organises annual seminars on gender equality at NHH and in academia in general. The seminars highlight women’s position in academia, focusing on why women are under-represented and on strategies to overcome inequality.
Managers and academic staff are the primary target group. The seminars are open to external participants
Documents and resources
- Action plan for improved gender equality in academic positions (PDF 125 kb)
- Handbook for local gender equality work (PDF 1mb)
- Confirmation that NHH fills EU GEP requirements (PDF 300 kb)
- Status report gender equality at NHH 2023
- Status report on gender equality in academic positions 2022 (PDF 1.3 mb)
- Status for gender equality work to the NHH Board (PDF 1,7 mb)
- Status report on gender equality in academic positions 2020 (PDF 454 kb)
- Action plan on sexual harassment (PDF 88 kb)
- Apply for funding for gender equality measuers (internal link)
- Balance project - BELONG
- BALANCE project - WomEN - Women in Economics network
- BALANCE project - Challenge