The Multilingual Workplace and Multilingual Society: Access, Communication & Participation

FSK504 The Multilingual Workplace and Multilingual Society: Access, Communication & Participation

Vår 2025

  • Topics

    This PhD course aims to provide in-depth knowledge of topics related to migration, integration and the labour market. Research issues that will be discussed are language requirements, workplace interaction, language ideology and politics, and workplace second language learning.

    The course will contain a combination of keynote lectures and shorter presentations of research, as well as hands-on sessions where individual PhD proposals and draft papers/chapters are discussed.

    The course has three internationally acclaimed guest lecturers.

    Participants in the course should be prepared to read a course curriculum and submit in advance a project description/draft article/chapter of PhD thesis and have their work commented on by the experts.

  • Learning outcome


    Upon completion of the course, the student will have

    • In-depth understanding of recent empirical research on language requirements for access to the labor market from the perspective of linguistic integration
    • In-depth understanding of recent empirical research on interaction and language practices in multilingual workplaces
    • In-depth understanding of recent empirical research on workplace second language learning
    • Understanding of language requirements for the labour market and wider society, and their consequences


    Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to

    • critically evaluate existing research on multilingual workplace interaction and societal participation
    • analyze episodes of language learning in workplace interaction
    • critically reflect on power dynamics, language ideologies and politics in multilingual workplaces
    • analyze consequences of language requirements for access to working life and societal participation
    • present you own research and engage in discussion of their peers’ research

    General competence

    Upon completion of the course, the student will have

    • Insight into the various mechanisms at play in a workplace and how they impact language learning opportunities and language practices
    • Insight into how ideological, political and sociocultural factors promote or hinder linguistic integration and social inclusion in the labour market and the wider society

  • Teaching

    Lectures, student presentations and feedback sessions

  • Restricted access

    • PhD students at NHH
    • PhD students at other Norwegian and international institutions

  • Required prerequisites

    It is assumed as a prerequisite that candidates are familiar with research on multilingualism and additional language acquisition and use at a high level (MA or equivalent).

  • Compulsory Activity

    Submitted draft article or project description for ph.d. project as preparations for the course. Discussion activity in class: respond to feedback to paper submission from lecturers. Obligatory attendance of lectures.

  • Assessment

    Attendance and active participation in class (combined with "arbeidskrav") is required to pass the course.

  • Grading Scale


  • Computer tools


  • Literature

    A selection of scientific papers will pe published ahead of the course.


Teaching Semester


Course responsible

Professor Gisle Andersen (main course responsible) and professor Ann-Kristin Helland Gujord (NHH/University of Bergen)