Sustainable Value Creation

SOC2 Sustainable Value Creation

Høst 2024

Vår 2025
  • Læringsutbytte

    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:


    • Explain how companies can design and implement sustainable and responsible business strategies and business models.
    • Discuss the relationship between companies’ financial, social and environmental performance dimensions.
    • Discuss how to make trade-off assessments and resolve conflicts between those dimensions.


    • Identify, prioritize, measure and report on social and environmental performance dimensions as well as traditional financial performance dimensions.
    • Identify and deal with normative questions related to which responsibilities companies have for social and environmental footprints.

    General competence

    • Communicate with stakeholders about sustainable and responsible business strategies and business models.




Sveinung Jørgensen og Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen