Programming and Application Design

TECH5 Programming and Application Design

Vår 2025

  • Læringsutbytte

    Upon completion of the course, students can:


    • Identify the fundamental concepts of the object-oriented programming OOP framework.
    • Identify the fundamental concepts of the SQL and relational databases.
    • Identify and apply the foundational concepts used in modern software development approaches.
    • State and relate to the pillars on which DevOps relies upon.


    • Apply and employ the principles of OOP to develop intermediate applications.
    • Use SQL concepts to develop intermediate applications
    • Use an integrated development environment (IDE) to help with the local development of the software.
    • Choose and use a git repository to organize and keep track of the code evolution and manage the possible conflicts that may result naturally when working within a development team.
    • Use containers to encapsulate applications to move them easily between environments.

    General competence:

    • Identify the key role of team engagement for the success of the development projects.
    • Recognize that applications have a life cycle that is a loop process of continuous development.
    • Analyze complex problems and devise effective solutions using programming and development principles.
    • Develop an understanding of user-centric design principles and the importance of creating applications that provide optimal user experiences and meet user needs.

  • Undervisningsopplegg

    The course will consist of lectures a workshops.

  • Anbefalte forkunnskaper

    TECH3 and TECH4

  • Krav til forkunnskaper

    TECH 2

  • Obligatorisk aktivitet (arbeidskrav)

    There will be one mandatory assignment in the semester that must be submitted for the course approval.

  • Vurderingsordning

    The assessment will have two components:

    • A final project submission (60 %).
    • An oral presentation about their submission (40%).

  • Vurderingsuttrykk

    A - F

  • Litteratur

    There is no mandatory literature for the course.

    Recommended literature:

    Jennifer Davis and Ryn Daniels (2016). Effective DevOps, O'Reilly Media, Inc.

    Python for everyone, 3rd edition, by Cay Horstmann and Rance Necaise, Wiley




Associate Professor Julio C. Góez, Department of Business and Management Science