Internship in Asset Management

INT411 Internship in Asset Management

Vår 2025

  • Topics

    If you are up for a challenge and curious to learn more about asset management, this course is for you. The ultimate goal of the asset management industry is to create value by investing in various financial instruments (primarily stocks and bonds). The course consists of an academic component and an internship facilitated by Finance Norway. Among partner companies are independent asset management companies, as well as asset management entities belonging to banks and insurance companies. Internship experience is enriching and can contribute to increasing candidate’s attractiveness on the job market b­­oth in Norway and abroad.

    The program begins with an intensive 6-day academic module in April 2025 which is a combination of traditional academic lectures, cases, and guest lectures from leading industry practitioners, including the Norwegian Oil Fund (NBIM). The academic module is followed by a 5-week summer internship in one of the partner companies. Upon completion of the internship, a 2-day reflection workshop is organized in August 2025 Afterwards, students prepare a group reflection report which will be presented and discussed in front of the partner companies at a final day in September 2025.

    Most students receive internships through one of the partner companies in conjunction with the course, while a small number of students who already have internships related to asset management will be admitted in the spring.

    More practical information is available here: (copy url).

  • Learning outcome

    Upon successful completion of the course, the student will have attained the following: 


    The candidate 

    • Understands academic theories on which professional asset management builds on.
    • Understands the operational aspects of professional asset management industry.
    • Understands the role asset management plays in modern society.


    The candidate

    • Is able to apply asset management theory to real-life problems.
    • Is able to reflect on how asset management theories and practice are interconnected.
    • Is able to critically evaluate financial decisions from various angles, both financial and ethical, and take responsibility for the consequences of these decisions.
    • Is able to observe, describe, and reflect on team-work dynamics and his/her role in a team and organization.

    General competence

    The candidate 

    • Has adopted a more mature level of self-reflection and can use it for personal development.
    • Has an understanding of whether a career in Finance suits her or him.
    • Understands and is familiar with coping strategies  related to working in diverse and ambitious teams.

  • Teaching

    6-day academic module in April 2025 is focused on relevant asset management topics and is a combination of traditional academic lectures, cases, and guest lectures from the industry practitioners.

    The 5-week long internship should be completed during summer 2025.

    Upon completion of the internship: 2-day reflection workshop in August 2025 and a presentation of the reflection report at a 1-day closing session in September 2025.

  • Restricted access

    This course is restricted to full-time Master students (any major) in their first or second semester. Students that finish their degree in the spring semester of 2025 (with or without INT411) are not eligible to take the course.

    The space in this course is limited, therefore it has a separate competitive admission process.

    More information regarding admission requirements and application procedure can be found here: (copy url).

  • Credit reduction due to overlap

    This course cannot be included in the degree if taken in combination with INTERN-A-M / Grunderskolen / Innovation School / Social entrepreneurship.  Courses not included in the degree will be shown in a separate transcript.

    Please note that that this course cannot be included in any of the majors, and if included in the degree it cannot count as part of the 22.5 ECTS that has to be in a different subject area than the major ("breddekravet").

  • Compulsory Activity

    • 6-day academic module: mandatory physical attendance and active class participation. While I may grant permission to miss a class for personal reasons, you must ask for permission in advance. A student missing more than one day of academic module will fail the course.
    • Mandatory posts on discussion board during the internship.
    • Completion of the internship.
    • 2-day reflection workshop: mandatory physical attendance and active class participation. A student missing reflection workshop will fail the course.

    Course approval is only valid in the semester it has been obtained.

  • Assessment

    The assessment in the course is based on a final report (60%) and an oral presentation (40%). Both parts have to be taken in the same semester.

    The final report  must be written in groups of 3-4 people. The language of report must be English. In the report students should reflect on their learning and new perspectives gained throughout the course and compare it with their groupmates’ experiences. Note: report should not expose potentially confidential matters of the employers.

    The final report must be presented in front of all course participants and representatives from the partner companies during a 1-day closing session in September 2025.

    The course has a separate competitive admission process (due to limited space), therefore it cannot be retaken.

  • Grading Scale


  • Permitted Support Material

    Not applicable.


Teaching will be in English, whilst the internships may be either with Norwegian or English as working languages.
Teaching Semester

Spring. Offered spring 2025.

Course responsible

Professor Walter Pohl, Department of Finance.