Stig Tenold

Professor, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Stig Tenold

+47 55 95 95 73
Shipping, transport and logistics Development Economics Economic History Maritime history Business history


Stig Tenold is Professor of Economic History at the Department of Economics. He received his dr.oecon.-degree from the NHH in 2001, with a thesis subsequently published in abbreviated form as Tankers in Trouble: Norwegian Shipping and the Crisis of the 1970s and 1980s (St. John's, 2006).

Stig Tenold's main research is within the field of contemporary maritime history, both from an economic history and from a business history angle. The research has resulted in five single-authored, two co-authored and three edited books, as well as more than thirty articles in peer-reviewed journals. In addition, he has published articles on East-Asian economic development, trade policy and popular music in scientific journals and anthologies. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of the two leading maritime history journals – The International Journal of Maritime History and Mariner's Mirror – and one of two editors of the book series Palgrave Studies in Maritime Economics.

His most recent books are

  • Twentieth century shipping: Norway's successful navigation of the world's most global industry, Palgrave Macmillan 2019 [Free electronic download here]
  • Shipping and Globalization in the Post-War Era: Contexts, Companies, Connections (edited with Petersson and White) Palgrave Macmillan 2019 [Free electronic download here]
  • Med flagget til topps. Historien om norsk skipsfart i det 20. århundre, Gyldendal Akademisk 2020

Stig Tenold is also involved in a number of research projects with colleagues in Denmark, Finland, South Korea and the United Kingdom, and is affiliated with Bergen Maritime Museum. He has won prizes for outstanding performance as a lecturer awarded by the NHH Master's degree students (2011) and by the NHH Bachelor’s degree students (2019). Stig Tenold has regularly giveen lectures and courses in maritime history and economics at other universities in Europe and Asia.

In the spring of 2021 Tenold was appointed Excellent Teacher Practitioner at NHH.  

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Selected publications

Author(s) Title Publisher
Ojala, Jari; Tenold, Stig Maritime history: A health check International Journal of Maritime History Volume 29 (2); page 344 - 354; 2017
Tenold, Stig; Murphy, Hugh; Kim, Song; Kang, J.Y. International Transfer of Tacit Knowledge: The Transmission of Shipbuilding Skills from Scotland to South Korea in the Early 1970s Enterprise & Society; page 1 - 33; 2020
Tenold, Stig Constantly crossing borders: The international nature of maritime history International Journal of Maritime History Volume 32 (2); page 403 - 413; 2020
Tenold, Stig Med flagget til topps. Historien om norsk skipsfart i det 20. århundre Gyldendal Akademisk; 2020
Tenold, Stig The Declining Role of Western Europe in Shipping and Shipbuilding, 1900–2000 Shipping and Globalization in the Post-War Era: Contexts, Companies, Connections; page 9 - 36; 2019
More publications in Cristin


Norwegian and international economic history, maritime economics, maritime history, business history.

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