Kristian Dietrich Allee

Adjunct Professor Kristian Dietrich Allee

+47 55 95 91 51
Accounting, Auditing and Law
Firm Disclosure Policies Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation Banking and Taxation.

Kris is a professor and the Doyle Z. Williams Chair in Professional Accounting in the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. He graduated from Indiana University with a PhD in Accounting. Before that, he attended BYU for his BS and MAcc degrees. He worked at Michigan State University and the University of Wisconsin - Madison as an assistant professor of accounting before joining the faculty at the University of Arkansas. He was also an associate economist for the Federal Reserve Banks in St. Louis, MO and Charlotte, NC. Kris has taught financial accounting to undergraduates and students in the Evening and Full-Time MBA programs as well as financial statement analysis to undergraduate, MBA, and MAcc students.

Kris' research examines firms' disclosure policies, textual analysis and computational linguistics on firm disclosures, the production and use of financial statements by small businesses, cost of equity capital estimates, and corporate tax policies and behavior. He has published research in The Accounting ReviewJournal of Accounting ResearchJournal of Accounting and EconomicsContemporary Accounting ResearchReview of Accounting StudiesAccounting Organizations and SocietyManagement Science, the Journal of Financial Reporting, the Journal of Management Accounting ResearchAccounting Horizons, Economics Letters, Business HorizonsIssues in Accounting Education, and the Journal on Baseball and American Culture.