Bård Fyhn

Assistant Professor Bård Fyhn

+47 55 95 91 86
Strategy and Management
Psychological safety Organizational psychology Teamwork Leadership skills


Bård is a former naval officer with 15 years varied experience within military logistics and leadership training, involving an international operation and a Bachelor’s degree from Royal Norwegian Naval Academy (Sjøkrigsskolen). He took his Master’s degree at NHH, and is now back to pursue his interests within leadership and teams from an academic perspective. His last position within the military was as a leadership mentor at Sjøkrigsskolen, a useful experience when teaching leadership skills at NHH.

Through his doctoral work, Bård has delved into psychological safety in teams. His thesis "Safe today, tomorrow, and together: A dynamic perspective on team psychological safety" deals with how team members can build psychological safety and the importance of working with psychological safety over time and in a way that includes everyone on the team. Bård actively communicates his own and others' research in the field and has participated in a number of podcasts (lenke: Video/podcast – Velkommen til gruppetenkerne).

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Selected publications

Author(s) Title Publisher
Fyhn, Bård; Bang, Henning; Sverdrup, Therese; Schei, Vidar Safe Among the Unsafe: Psychological Safety Climate Strength Matters for Team Performance Small Group Research; 2022
Fyhn, Bård; Schei, Vidar; Sverdrup, Therese Taking the emergent in team emergent states seriously: A review and preview Human Resource Management Review Volume 33 (1); 2022
Fyhn, Bård «Waiting for the host to start this meeting…» - Psykologisk trygghet i digitalt teamarbeid Necesse Volume 5 (2); page 117 - 128; 2020
Schei, Vidar; Sverdrup, Therese E.; Fyhn, Bård Effektive team: Fant Google oppskriften? Psykologisk trygghet i virtuelle team Magma forskning og viten Volume 4; page 73 - 83; 2020
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